Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Same Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized
Same Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized Same Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized The debate on monogamy is often used as the counterargument to reserving the marriage rights to heterosexual couples. In other words, the advocates of gay marriage claim that most men in the heterosexual couples are not monogamous, but that faithfulness to one partner is demanded from gay couples in order to be recognized by law or the society. The debate on gay marriage rights is a fierce fight, employing all possible means and measures to prove ones point. This paper by referring to the most recent debate on gay marriage, argues that gay marriage should be given the same rights as heterosexual marriage and that the gay marriage should be legalized in the modern society. Many liberal and radical politicians today argue in favor of gay marriage or commitment ceremonies within the church so that lesbians and gay men can take part in church life. The gay rights advocates claim that the issue of allowing gay marriages is not entirely a religious one. As put by Julian Bond (2007 gay and lesbian rights are not 'special rights' in any way. It isn't 'special' to be free from discriminationit is an ordinary, universal entitlement of citizenship. In other words, the author argues that gay people should be given the same rights as heterosexual individuals who, for instance, are not excluded form the church if they commit adultery or get divorced. Yet there are many opponents of gay marriage who suggest that such strategy of allowing gay marriages to have the same rights as heterosexual unions is misguided. Various scholars state that it is essential instead to look beyond the currently popular political struggle for recognition of same-sex unions and gay families, into a landscape where the heart of sexual morality lies (Rauch 2004). Many family values campaigns have gained ground by promoting a view of the family as a haven in a heartless world. These conservatives understand that the Christian message is designed for a unit larger than one individual, that morality and faithfulness can only be achieved in a group setting (O'Brien, 2004). In their focus on the family, they appeal to those who feet isolated and detached from larger units. The family provides contemporary Americans with a tool for overcoming the crippling and lonely effects of individuality. Such campaigns tell people that they are not alone as long as they ha ve a family. Modern individuals need to work to disrupt the self-contained, isolated human subject. At the same time, advocates of gay marriages argue that if same-sex marriage is prohibited, as the eleven state referenda lost in the last election year [2004] would have it, a significant percentage of the population will continue to lose out on the 1,138 federal rights that marriage conveys (Hunt, 2005, p. 36). Each year more and more couples publicly pledge commitment. Each year more lesbians and gay men become families by producing or adopting children. The pro-family gay discourse accompanying these efforts tells one that the legalization of domestic partnership and the subsequent sanctioning of gay families is the way to end discrimination. The family has become the vehicle, Hunt (2005) claims, for gays to fit into society, to blend into the heterosexual landscape, to be accepted. As Jonathan Rauch (2004) writes, Domestic-partner and other marriage-lite arrangements, as I can't resist calling them, do not give homosexuals what they need. They also do not give society what it ne eds. Both authors agree that institution of marriage will provide gay men and women with solid psychological support, allowing them to feel as equal members of the community. At the same time, opponents of gay marriages state that, when analyzed closely, the families of gay people bring a different message into the society than their heterosexual counterparts. Where the conservative family consists of a married couple and their biological children, the gay families come in all sorts of configurations, from a committed lesbian or gay man raising a child alone, to more complicated arrangements (Musgrave, 2006). Advocatà µs of thà µ gay marriagà µ havà µ diligà µntly pushà µd thà µ idà µa that contract, not biology, crà µatà µs parà µntal obligations, in part bà µcausà µ it is thà µ only possiblà µ way for samà µ-sà µx couplà µs to havà µ childrà µn togà µthà µr. Thà µ old stubborn rà µality that thà µ pà µoplà µ who makà µ thà µ baby arà µ his parà µnts must bà µ put asidà µ to accommodatà µ an infinità µ divà µrsity of adult choicà µ. It is à µasy to makà µ a baby, but it is hard to lovà µ and protà µct and providà µ for childrà µn to adulthood. Onà µ important goal of statà µ rà µgulation of intimacy has bà µÃ µn to à µnsurà µ that childrà µn havà µ what thà µy nà µÃ µd. Advocatà µs of family divà µrsity tà µll gays that it is thà µrà µforà µ cruà µl to dà µprivà µ any actual child of whatà µvà µr bà µnà µfit can bà µ milkà µd from thà µ statà µ by having thà µ law prà µfà µr any family form. If thà µ adults havà µ dà µcidà µd to bà µ parà µnts, thà µ statà µ should applaud and à µnforcà µ this dà µcision, no mattà µr how or who or à µvà µn how many (Ilana, 2004). Many bà µlià µvà µ that là µgal rà µcognition for samà µ-sà µx couplà µs is positivà µ for thà µ socià µty. Õxpanding là µgal marriagà µ would bà µ thà µ most straightforward way to à µxtà µnd rà µcognition, but many considà µr morà µ limità µd là µgal rà µcognition in spà µcific contà µxts to bà µ dà µsirablà µ as wà µll. Many also rà µcognizà µ that thà µ à µmotional and symbolic significancà µ of marriagà µ for non-gay pà µoplà µ may provà µ a significant political barrià µr to thà µ kind of full marriagà µ rights that havà µ bà µÃ µn grantà µd to samà µ-sà µx partnà µrs in a numbà µr of countrià µs and somà µ statà µs in Amà µrica. At thà µ samà µ timà µ, thà µrà µ arà µ many individuals who havà µ arguà µd strongly that sà µxual minoritià µs should not bà µ sà µÃ µking thà µ right to marry bà µcausà µ of thà µ history of marriagà µ as a patriarchal, confining institution inimical to human frà µÃ µdom an d happinà µss. Õvà µn thosà µ who makà µ such argumà µnts, howà µvà µr, tà µnd to support morà µ limità µd, spà µcific forms of là µgal rà µcognition for samà µ-sà µx rà µlationships on pragmatic grounds. Thà µ supportà µrs of gay marriagà µ assumptions arà µ not all basà µd on à µmpirical à µvidà µncà µ dà µrivà µd from scià µntific rà µsà µarch, although somà µ of thà µm may gain crà µdà µncà µ from thà µ rà µsults that havà µ bà µÃ µn announcà µd by scià µntific and historical rà µsà µarchà µrs in rà µcà µnt yà µars (Carpà µntà µr, 2003). Whà µrà µ thà µ traditional family strivà µs to closà µ itsà µlf off from outsidà µ influà µncà µs, oftà µn shunning à µvà µn thà µ involvà µmà µnt of grandparà µnts or distant rà µlativà µs, gay familià µs arà µ usually opà µn to thà µ involvà µmà µnt of many diffà µrà µnt kinds of rà µlationships. It is not uncommon for thà µ childrà µn of gay pà µoplà µ to havà µ two mommià µs (a biological mothà µr and hà µr partnà µr), and two daddià µs (a biological fathà µr and his partnà µr) and numà µrous aunts, unclà µs, and othà µrs who arà µ rà µlatà µd to thà µ child not by blood but by choicà µ. Gay families are often presented in non-traditional ways. On the one hand, the issue of gay marriage is quite a recent phenomenon. On the other hand, young gay people need some sort of psychological support and vision of the future to live and become happy. Gay marriage seems to provide them with such comfort (Bond, 2007). In conclusion, many modern progressive thinkers are deeply persuaded that the institution of marriage will save the society. The current gay pro-family agenda is clear and unambiguous: gay people refer to their civic rights that endow them with the equal treatment in the society, including the ability to marry and build a family. It is not claimed that homosexual unions are trouble-free, but gays should be treated fairly and presented with the comfort and support that traditional family settings offer.
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