Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Personal Experience Of An Early Childhood Setting - 956 Words
This essay will identify and describe a personal experience of the student in an early childhood setting which required both leadership and management. The situation will be critically analysed and discussed in terms of developing vision; leadership style; team; and communication. This year, my team leader, the team leader of the preschool room, decided to set up wood as a provocation to make crosses, and create ‘The Field of Remembrance’ on the Anzac day. Carters provided us wood for making the crosses. In addition, she contacted the â€Å"Central Leader†newspaper and arranged media coverage of the same. The parents of our room were overjoyed when they heard that their children will be featured in the â€Å"Central Leader†. In contrast, the staff members of the other rooms were feeling left out for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it was unanimously decided to have ‘the red poopy’ theme for the Anzac day; wherein, provocations for the creation of red poppy will be set up for the children. Furthermore, the display of children’s creativity at the centre’s main board. The pre-school room opted out of it. Secondly, the Central Leader reporter exclusively covered the preschool room and was not even shown around the centre I witnessed the unhappiness among the staff members regarding the whole situation when they discussed it during the lunch hour in the staff room. I addition, I also acknowledged that the parents of the preschool room would not see the photograph of their child in theShow MoreRelatedThe Primary Limitation Of Leadership1586 Words  | 7 PagesModels of leadership help early childhood educator to understand the factors, which highlight effective leadership. A model is a significance framework for categorizing required features or factors. It also oversimplifies a very complex idea that can be supportive for understanding important components and believed factors (Rodd, 2013). 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay on Journey to the Harlem Renaissance - 1282 Words
Journey to the Harlem Renaissance As America moves into a more cultural and diversified era, more people are taking the time to learn about the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance was the foremost form of freedom for African Americans. It showed blacks that they were becoming equals in American society. The talents of African Americans soared in art, music, literature and especially poetry. The main writers embodying the Harlem Renaissance were Claude McKay, Langston Hughes and Countee Cullen. Claude was born in Jamaica, in 1898. He got his education from his older brother, who â€Å"possessed a library of English novels, poetry and scientific texts.†(Callahan, 784) Claude was a little older when he created his first piece†¦show more content†¦(Callahan, 784) Before he died, he â€Å"published [†¦] A Long Way From Home. It was a culmination of his life as a political activist, novelist, essayist and poet.†(Callahan, 785) On February 1, 1902, Langston Hughes was born. He was born â€Å"James Langston Hughes.†(Rueben) He was born in Missouri. His parents divorced when he was a younger child. His dad left and went to Mexico. His grandmother had the task to raise him. â€Å"He stayed there until he was twelve.†(Hampson) Then his mother wanted him back. So he moved â€Å"to Lincoln, Illinois [†¦] eventually settling in Cleveland, Ohio.†(Anderson, 706) Langston began writing creative poetry in the eight grade. He went on to attend Central High School in Cleveland. â€Å"he was a coveted award winner as a teen.†(Reuben) â€Å"It was during his high school years that Hughes began to take poetry seriously.†(Reuben) Langston was becoming one of the most predominant writing figures of the time. â€Å"The most important early influence on Hughes’ poetry was Carl Sandburg [†¦]†. (Anderson, 706) But â€Å"his father did not think he would be able to make a living as a writer.†(Jackson) He wanted him to pursue a career in engineering. So he came up with the idea to go to Columbia University, where he knew he could be close to Harlem. His passion for writing and desire to see Harlem led him to disobey his dad.Show MoreRelatedRole Of Zora Neale Hrston In The Harlem Renaissance1237 Words  | 5 PagesRole of Zora Neale Hurston during the Harlem Renaissance Jasmine Graham Nichole Craig HUM2020 (178011) TR 3:30-4:45 The Harlem Renaissance was a very historical time for the African American community as a whole. The Harlem Renaissance helped to pave the way for the civil rights movements that began around the early 1950s. During this time there was an influx of people who decided to relocate from the south to the north. The Harlem Renaissance also sparked a rise in the literacy rateRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance, A Cultural Movement Essay1063 Words  | 5 PagesAlly Johnson November 13, 2016 African American History Art, Music, Literature†¦Freedom. The Harlem Renaissance, a cultural movement that began in the 1920s and continued until the early 1930s, brought excitement and a new found freedom and voice to the African-Americans who had been silent and oppressed for far too long. â€Å"Centered on the Harlem district of New York City, the Harlem Renaissance was part of a nationwide urban revolution sparked by World War I. The cultural outburst, which followedRead MoreWhat Was The Overall Impact Of The Harlem Renaissance1110 Words  | 5 PagesStreet Crash of 1929 considered the beginning of the end of the Harlem Renaissance? The financial support of African Americans by rich whites came to end after the Wall Street Crash. 22. Who is the author of Their Eyes Were Watching God and when was it published? The author of Their Eyes Was Watching God is Zora Neal Hurston and was published in 1973. 23. What was the overall impact of the Harlem Renaissance? The Harlem Renaissance help to how American view African American and their culture. 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Her career as writer probably would have lasted longer, but she was accused of plagiarizing her short story, Sanctuary. She was eventually cleared of any wrongRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance Is Embraced As One Of The Most Influential1412 Words  | 6 PagesThe Harlem Renaissance is embraced as one of the most influential artistic movements within African American culture. This period embraced black art, poetry, fiction, drama, and visual art. Visual art was vital to the movement, as many artists sought for representation of black individuals as the art realm was grossly dominated by white artists, who gave very little thought or recognition towards black subject matter. The visual art renaissance featured Aaron Douglas, Palmer C. Hayden, ArchibaldRead MoreLangston Hughes And The Harlem Renaissance1476 Words  | 6 Pagesmachine back to one of the most culturally-rich times in history, the Modern Age. More specifically, set your destination to northern Manhattan in the early 20s. When you step onto those bustling streets, you’ll find yourself swept up in the Harlem Renaissance. The contemporary wr iters you are surrounded by are legends such as Langston Hughes and W. E. B. DuBois, and the contemporary musicians you may hear at a local nightclub include some of the greatest in jazz history, including Thelonious MonkRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance : The New Negro Movement1459 Words  | 6 Pagesadapted and developed was known as the Harlem Renaissance. The main focus of the era for the African Americans was to establish some sort of identity and self-expression through literary, musical, theatrical, and visual arts. The story behind this began in 1890 when African American slaves migrated from the rural South to the urban North as they thrashed their way to freedom. Most of them migrated to New York, particularly in the district of Harlem (Bolarinwa). Harlem was characterized as â€Å"not merelyRead MoreLangston Hughes And The Harlem Renaissance1736 Words  | 7 Pageswhere African American citizens were not considered an equal under the law. The Harlem Renaissance, spa nning from the mid 1920’s to the late 1930’s, shed light on the excellence within the African American Community. The heart of the movement, Harlem, New York, encompassed visual art, music, literature and activism, tearing down stereotypes placed on African Americans ( In the soul of the Harlem Renaissance rose a young author, activist, playwright, musician named Langston Hughes. Hughes’Read MoreThe Poetry Of Langston Hughes1001 Words  | 5 Pageseloquently formulate their thoughts. Langston Hughes was no exception. Famous for his contribution to the embracement of African American culture in America during the Harlem Renaissance, Hughes began forming his thoughts into poetry early in his life. From growing up in segregated American and his involvement in the Harlem Renaissance, Langston Hughes accounts the celebration of African American culture as well as the fears and struggles, including his own, faced by black people in America, as well
Monday, December 9, 2019
Book Introduction for Women Behaving Badly Essay Example For Students
Book Introduction for Women Behaving Badly Essay Throughout the ages, women all over the world from every race, culture and religion have behaved badly. This bad behaviour has occurred in innumerable forms, yet is generally universally agreed to be defined as the transgression of the implicit social, behavioural and moral conventions and of course the explicit political regulations that bind a society. Thus, a woman who behaves in an undesirable manner is one who defies her societys conformist expectations of her place in its composition, and thus acts in such a way as that her behaviour offends those around her. Hence in this particular context, the term behaving badly could perhaps be more appropriately expressed as behaving differently. In light of this, many of the worlds most famous women: both historically and in our modern era, can be regarded as women behaving badly. Consider the first woman, Eve, whose disobedience of the worlds first set of laws resulted in mans expulsion from paradise; French national heroine St Joan of Arc, a simple fifteenth-century peasant girl who rescued France from defeat in one of the darkest periods of the Hundred Years War with England; African-American seamstress Mrs. Rosa Parks, who through refusing a white passenger her bus seat in 1955 staged one of the largest protests of the American civil rights movement; and, more recently, Pauline Hanson, whose politically incorrect opinions made her the target of Australian anti-racist antagonism. Among the readings included in this book are two texts whose heroines particularly emulate this concept of women behaving badly: Lysistrata by Aristophanes, and Chaucers the Wife of Baths Prologue and Tale. In her original context of 5th century Greece, Aristophanes character of Lysistrata could be described as a typical woman behaving badly: defying all of her societys unwritten social rules, and crossing all of the boundaries of decency and common sense a radical deviation from her societys expectations of the role and place of women at the time. The extremity of the digression of Lysistratas behaviour from the 5th century status quo ensures that she can be seen as a clear example of such a woman behaving badly. Thus, Lysistratas behaviour is bad in the most fundamental sense. Chaucers Wife of Bath is an equally fitting candidate for the title of a true woman behaving badly. The Wife: outspoken, crude and independent, is also portrayed by Chaucer to be seen as bad: that is, unusual in her manner, values and behaviour in the context of her own era: the conservative, often prudish Middle Ages. The Wife, however, appears to be fully aware of her defiance of her societys expectations of women such as her yet delights in her bad behaviour, boasting to her audience of her scandalous actions. Accordingly, the character of the Wife is most certainly an appropriate personality to include in this collection of readings, as she not only represents the personification of bad behaviour, but she is also an obvious advocate for the need for societies implicit social boundaries to be crossed in the first place by individuals such as herself. Nevertheless, Lysistrata and the Wife of Bath are together only two examples of Women Behaving Badly: merely threads in the rich tapestry of different opinions, perspectives and ideas that the readings in this book offer concerning the multitudes of women the world over whose behaviour have been labeled bad.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Minorities and policing
Introduction Minorities have often been victims of racial profiling by law enforcement officers. They receive discriminatory treatment in various instances, for example, while driving, in shopping malls or walking in public places.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Minorities and policing specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The police officers usually stop them and conduct thorough searches on them. In airports the minorities are checked more keenly as the police have the notion that these are the people most likely to commit crimes. Sometimes the police officers go into their and conduct searches on them. This discriminatory behavior is humiliating, annoying and inconveniences innocent citizens. This discussion explores the extent of unfair police practices on the minorities and how they impact on the victims. Theories Explaining Racial Profiling Research has been conducted to explain the issue of disparity in t he way the police treat the whites and the minorities. According to research statistics, the police are usually on the minorities than the whites. The number of minorities stopped on the road for police checks are more than whites, and they usually end up getting frisked or apprehended. This biased treatment of the minorities by the police happens in all law enforcement agencies including highway patrol, federal agencies, county police, municipal police, highway patrol and Sheriff Departments. The justification for this discriminatory treatment of the minorities is that according to the national crime data, the minority groups are the greatest offenders and therefore, the police officers have to be more vigilant on them.Advertising Looking for term paper on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More That is why most of the times they are the ones being stopped on the road and searched by the police while whites are ra rely stopped. Even when whites get stopped, a body search is not conducted on them. The officers just check the necessary documents and allow them to leave1. Theories have been invented to explain the reason why harsher treatment is meted out on minorities like the blacks and Hispanics. The social conditioning and illusory correlation theory suggests that the police have formed unintentional stereotypes of race towards the minorities. These attitudes make the police to treat the minorities harshly. The police officers acquire these racial stereotypes from the society as they grow up. They mostly learn these racial stereotypes from the media like newspapers, television, songs, among others. Therefore, these attitudes and beliefs about minorities affect the decisions that they make at work. The police rely on the race of a person to make certain decisions as they work. These decisions include whether they should stop motorists or not, whether they should make arrests or give a warning to the offenders, among others. The police officers may not necessarily hate the minorities but they may draw conclusions from the statistics that show that minorities are most likely to commit crimes. Historically, the police have been known to have racist attitudes towards the minorities. Before the 1960’s the police departments were racist and rarely accommodated black officers. The black officers were not given equal advancement opportunities as their white counterparts.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Minorities and policing specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Competition for resources between various groups can also increase racial stereotyping. When different races compete for resources or jobs, hatred arises between them and they may form offensive opinions and attitudes towards each other2 History of Racial Profiling The current hostility that is directed towards the minority groups is as a re sult of America’s history of slavery and discrimination. Historically, members of the minority groups have been viewed as the greatest perpetrators of criminal activities. These people have been seen as dangerous and violent and therefore most likely to commit crimes. Therefore, the police are more suspicious and vigilant when dealing with people from these groups. When the minorities are found guilty, their penalties are harsher than those of the whites. The criminal justice system has been racist and oppressive to the minority groups from time immemorial. For instance, during the era of slavery, the police were charged with the responsibility of going after the slaves who had escaped and bring them back to the owners. Another example is that there were laws forbidding Chinese immigrants from owning land in the 1800’s. In the late nineteenth century, minorities suspected of committing crimes were killed through mob justice and these acts were ignored by the criminal j ustice system. Discrimination and unfair treatment of minority groups was allowed during the era of slavery and the police were supposed to implement that. Before the civil rights revolution that took place in the 1960’s, the minorities experienced immense discrimination. It was evident in unfair police services distribution, unequal employment opportunities in police departments, disrespect of the minorities’ rights, among others3.Advertising Looking for term paper on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Causes of Racial Profiling There are several reasons why the police treat minority groups differently. Firstly, the mass media has been a major instrument in perpetuating racial stereotypes. In movies, songs and television, minority groups are portrayed as violent and this makes them to be treated with suspicion. Mostly, the black men are given roles of violent or bad people in moves. This makes people to form attitudes that the people from minority groups are dangerous and violent and consequently, they are treated more harshly by the police. Criminal justice officers have biased attitudes and opinions about the minority groups and therefore, they treat them unfairly. Some people still uphold past beliefs that the minorities are inferior and are not entitled to all the human rights. Therefore, these officers, who include judges, police officers, prosecutors and probation officers, end up making racially prejudiced decisions and conclusions about the minorities. Impact of Racial Pro filing Racial profiling has negative impacts on individuals and society. The victims feel angry, afraid and humiliated. They also lose trust in law enforcement agencies. In addition, if these individuals get into any trouble, they are not willing to seek help from law enforcement agencies. The witnesses of such incidents are also affected and they develop negative attitudes towards police officers. Racially biased policing also has negative impacts ion the nation as a whole. This is because it diverts the attention of law enforcement officers from real threats that could endanger the safety of the citizens. The perception that minorities are more likely to commit crimes may make the law enforcement agents to be lenient on the whites during security checks. This can endanger the safety of citizens because as white criminal may be able to go through the checkpoint undetected due to the police officers’ laxity. For instance President McKinley was assassinated by a white who was overlooked during the security check.4 How Minorities Feel About the Police Due to the racial profiling towards the minorities, they have developed certain perceptions towards the police officers. Most minorities view police officers with suspicion. They do not like encountering them because they know they will be subjected to racial profiling. They feel that the police officers should stop using their race as a basis for unnecessary searches and arrests. Many minorities feel anger and resentment for the police officers because of instances where they were harshly treated for no reason. Some even claim to have been arrested and locked up for some time just because of unfounded suspicions based on their race. The police officers are supposed to be looked at as a source of protection and justice for all the citizens. However the perception of the minority groups towards police officers is that of suspicion. These people are even afraid to report crimes to the police for fear of being victimized. They also do not trust the police because they do no take seriously incidents where minorities are the victims. Minorities do not have access to all law enforcement services. Moreover, the police use more physical force when apprehending minority suspects than whites because they believe that the minorities are violent and might resist arrest. Discrimination of Minorities in Employment Minority groups are usually discriminated in employment in organizations and even in the police force. Most organizations prefer to employ whites instead of minorities. Even those who are lucky to secure employment usually face a lot of discrimination at their places of work in terms of promotions and general welfare. The minorities have fewer opportunities to advance themselves at the workplace. Incase of employee misconduct, employees from the minority groups receive tougher penalties than their white counterparts. During economic crisis when organizations want to cut down on the number of employees, the minorities are usually the first targets. These people are also more likely to experience sexual harassment at wok. Minorities also do not have equal opportunities with the whites in accessing labor markets. In some organizations, the minorities are given a less pay than the whites for the same task. Unfair Treatment of Minorities In Legal System All human beings have equal rights regardless of their race. However, the current legal system treats minorities unfairly because of their ethnicity or race. Law enforcement officers unfairly target minorities and treat them unfairly. The whole justice system, from the investigation to the point where punishment is meted out is not fair to the minorities. The decisions concerning the charging and sentencing of criminals are dependent on racial prejudices. Even the judges and policy makers discriminate against the minorities.5 There is racial disparity in the justice system in that minorities are the largest number of peopl e in prison and on death row. These people also get arrested more often than whites. In addition the minorities are more likely to be stopped and searched and receive a harsher penalty than the whites for committing the same crime. This unfair treatment affects even the innocent minorities. During traffic checks, the members of minority groups are delayed for longer hours than the whites because they need to be checked more thoroughly. They are suspected as capable of violating the law on the basis of their race. The law does not provide equal protection to all the citizens as the minorities who are found guilty are treated unfairly and more harshly than the white criminals. The juvenile justice system is also unfair to the minorities and their processes are racially discriminative. Minorities receive harsher treatment and punishment than the whites in the whole process. Even if the offences committed are the same, the sentence is not usually equal for the minorities and the whites. The number of minorities in these facilities exceeds that of the whites. Statistics show that more people from minority groups get arrested than the whites. Even in prisons, the greatest percentage of inmates comprise of minorities. The criminal justice system is also racially prejudiced as there is a reluctance to employ African-American judges. The justice system puts the minorities at a disadvantage because most of them are poor and can not afford the services of competent lawyers. They also can not afford to pay exorbitant bonds. Therefore, most of the minority crime perpetrators end up in jail and that is the reason why most of the population in jail comprises of minorities. Minority groups are mostly low income earners they mostly commit street crime. On the other hand, white-collar crime is most likely to be perpetrated by whites. Law enforcement agencies are more concerned with street crime and that is why more minorities are in jail than whites. White-collar crime is given little attention and therefore, the perpetrators of these crimes are never identified and tried. This makes it seem as if the minorities commit more crimes than the whites.6 Solutions to Racial Profiling The problem of racial profiling can be curbed through several ways. Racial profiling should be banned and those found practicing it severely punished. Information about cases of racial profiling during traffic checks should be kept in order to determine the agencies that practice the vice. Law enforcement agencies should be properly funded so as to acquire equipment like video cameras which can assist in investigating cases of racial profiling. The police officers should also be sensitized on the dangers of racial profiling and discouraged from practicing it7. A prosecutor was interviewed about the role of criminal justice officials and law enforcement agencies in fighting racial profiling. The following questions were asked: Do you think the police treat the minorities the same as the whites? No. the minorities are usually treated more suspiciously and more harshly than the whites. The police officers have the notion that people from minority groups are more likely to commit crimes. Do you think the police perform their job perfectly? I think the police spend most of their time and resources going after petty street crimes perpetrated by the minorities and ignore more serious crimes like white-collar crimes. Racial profiling may make them ignore white criminals and put the safety of the citizens in danger. Do police officers treat people from all races fairly during traffic stops? Most of the time, the minorities are stopped and searched while the traffic officers may not stop the whites. Checking of the minorities takes time as the police officers conduct thorough searches because they are suspicious of them. Do you think the current legal system treats both the whites and the minorities equally? The minorities are arrested and detained on the basis of mere suspicions and when taken to court, they often get unfair trials. The system is not fair to them as they can not afford to pay competent attorneys to represent them. They therefore end up getting imprisoned even if they are innocent. There is racial disparity in sentencing criminals to death penalty and also the amount money for bail. More minorities are sentenced to death and are expected to pay a higher amount of bail than their white counterparts for the same crime. How do you think the unfair treatment of the minorities by the police and legal system impacts on them? When criminal justice officials and police officers make decisions based on the race of an individual, that person’s rights are violated. An innocent person may be locked up and punished just because of racial discrimination. Therefore, these officers should exercise tact when handling all citizens to avoid punishing innocent people. How can the problem of unfair minority policing be addressed? Law enforceme nt agencies and the criminal justice officials should treat all citizens equally and avoid making decisions based on their race. Instead, they should conduct proper investigations and base their decisions on well-founded evidence. Societal Response The society heavily criticizes unfair treatment of the minorities by the police. They perceive racial profiling as a violation of human rights. Community groups are conducting research and coming up with statistics about the extent of unfair treatment of the minorities by the police. Members of minority groups are not happy with the disparity in treatment that they receive at traffic check points. International organizations like Amnesty International are calling for an end to this violation of the rights of the minorities. They are pushing the government to enforce laws which ban racial profiling. They are also recommending for information to be recorded concerning the search habits of police officers. This will prevent them from delayin g minority drivers unnecessarily with lengthy searches. They are also urging the law enforcement agencies to enforce legislation and policies that are against unfair treatment of the minorities by the police. Conclusion The problem of unfair treatment of the minorities by the police is rampant in our society. Minorities live in fear because they do not feel protected by the law enforcement officers. Instead, the police harass them and treat them unfairly as they view them as potential crime perpetrators. The minorities also do not get fair hearings in court. They are also discriminated during police recruitments. All human beings are equal and therefore the problem of racial profiling violates the rights of the minorities. The government has enacted legislation and policies to put an end to this problem once and for all. Reference List Amnesty International. (2004). Threat and Humiliation: Racial Profiling, Domestic Security, and Human Rights in the United States. Retrieved from htt p:// Portis, E. (2001). Racial Profiling: Issues Solutions. Retrieved from Schacher, Y. (1999). Evidence of racial bias in legal system. Retrieved from Smith, M. R. and Alpert, G.F. (2009). Explaining Police Bias: A Theory of Social Conditioning and Illusory Correlation. Retrieved from Williams, H. and Murphy, P.V. (1990). The Evolving Strategy of Police: A Minority View. Retrieved from Footnotes 1 M.R. Smith and G.F. Alpert. (2007). Explaining Police Bias: A Theory of Social Conditioning and Illusory Correlation. Retrieved from 2 M.R. Smith and G.F. Alpert. (200 7). Explaining Police Bias: A Theory of Social Conditioning and Illusory Correlation. Retrieved from 3 H. Williams and P.V. Murphy. (1990). The Evolving Strategy of Police: A Minority View. Retrieved from 4 Amnesty International. (2004). Threat and Humiliation: Racial Profiling, Domestic Security, and Human Rights in the United States. Retrieved from 5 Y. Schacher. (1999). Evidence of racial bias in legal system. Retrieved from 6 Y. Schacher. (1999). Evidence of racial bias in legal system. Retrieved from 7 E. Portis. (2001).Racial Profiling: Issues So lutions. Retrieved from This term paper on Minorities and policing was written and submitted by user Scarlett N. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Same Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized
Same Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized Same Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized The debate on monogamy is often used as the counterargument to reserving the marriage rights to heterosexual couples. In other words, the advocates of gay marriage claim that most men in the heterosexual couples are not monogamous, but that faithfulness to one partner is demanded from gay couples in order to be recognized by law or the society. The debate on gay marriage rights is a fierce fight, employing all possible means and measures to prove ones point. This paper by referring to the most recent debate on gay marriage, argues that gay marriage should be given the same rights as heterosexual marriage and that the gay marriage should be legalized in the modern society. Many liberal and radical politicians today argue in favor of gay marriage or commitment ceremonies within the church so that lesbians and gay men can take part in church life. The gay rights advocates claim that the issue of allowing gay marriages is not entirely a religious one. As put by Julian Bond (2007 gay and lesbian rights are not 'special rights' in any way. It isn't 'special' to be free from discriminationit is an ordinary, universal entitlement of citizenship. In other words, the author argues that gay people should be given the same rights as heterosexual individuals who, for instance, are not excluded form the church if they commit adultery or get divorced. Yet there are many opponents of gay marriage who suggest that such strategy of allowing gay marriages to have the same rights as heterosexual unions is misguided. Various scholars state that it is essential instead to look beyond the currently popular political struggle for recognition of same-sex unions and gay families, into a landscape where the heart of sexual morality lies (Rauch 2004). Many family values campaigns have gained ground by promoting a view of the family as a haven in a heartless world. These conservatives understand that the Christian message is designed for a unit larger than one individual, that morality and faithfulness can only be achieved in a group setting (O'Brien, 2004). In their focus on the family, they appeal to those who feet isolated and detached from larger units. The family provides contemporary Americans with a tool for overcoming the crippling and lonely effects of individuality. Such campaigns tell people that they are not alone as long as they ha ve a family. Modern individuals need to work to disrupt the self-contained, isolated human subject. At the same time, advocates of gay marriages argue that if same-sex marriage is prohibited, as the eleven state referenda lost in the last election year [2004] would have it, a significant percentage of the population will continue to lose out on the 1,138 federal rights that marriage conveys (Hunt, 2005, p. 36). Each year more and more couples publicly pledge commitment. Each year more lesbians and gay men become families by producing or adopting children. The pro-family gay discourse accompanying these efforts tells one that the legalization of domestic partnership and the subsequent sanctioning of gay families is the way to end discrimination. The family has become the vehicle, Hunt (2005) claims, for gays to fit into society, to blend into the heterosexual landscape, to be accepted. As Jonathan Rauch (2004) writes, Domestic-partner and other marriage-lite arrangements, as I can't resist calling them, do not give homosexuals what they need. They also do not give society what it ne eds. Both authors agree that institution of marriage will provide gay men and women with solid psychological support, allowing them to feel as equal members of the community. At the same time, opponents of gay marriages state that, when analyzed closely, the families of gay people bring a different message into the society than their heterosexual counterparts. Where the conservative family consists of a married couple and their biological children, the gay families come in all sorts of configurations, from a committed lesbian or gay man raising a child alone, to more complicated arrangements (Musgrave, 2006). Advocatà µs of thà µ gay marriagà µ havà µ diligà µntly pushà µd thà µ idà µa that contract, not biology, crà µatà µs parà µntal obligations, in part bà µcausà µ it is thà µ only possiblà µ way for samà µ-sà µx couplà µs to havà µ childrà µn togà µthà µr. Thà µ old stubborn rà µality that thà µ pà µoplà µ who makà µ thà µ baby arà µ his parà µnts must bà µ put asidà µ to accommodatà µ an infinità µ divà µrsity of adult choicà µ. It is à µasy to makà µ a baby, but it is hard to lovà µ and protà µct and providà µ for childrà µn to adulthood. Onà µ important goal of statà µ rà µgulation of intimacy has bà µÃ µn to à µnsurà µ that childrà µn havà µ what thà µy nà µÃ µd. Advocatà µs of family divà µrsity tà µll gays that it is thà µrà µforà µ cruà µl to dà µprivà µ any actual child of whatà µvà µr bà µnà µfit can bà µ milkà µd from thà µ statà µ by having thà µ law prà µfà µr any family form. If thà µ adults havà µ dà µcidà µd to bà µ parà µnts, thà µ statà µ should applaud and à µnforcà µ this dà µcision, no mattà µr how or who or à µvà µn how many (Ilana, 2004). Many bà µlià µvà µ that là µgal rà µcognition for samà µ-sà µx couplà µs is positivà µ for thà µ socià µty. Õxpanding là µgal marriagà µ would bà µ thà µ most straightforward way to à µxtà µnd rà µcognition, but many considà µr morà µ limità µd là µgal rà µcognition in spà µcific contà µxts to bà µ dà µsirablà µ as wà µll. Many also rà µcognizà µ that thà µ à µmotional and symbolic significancà µ of marriagà µ for non-gay pà µoplà µ may provà µ a significant political barrià µr to thà µ kind of full marriagà µ rights that havà µ bà µÃ µn grantà µd to samà µ-sà µx partnà µrs in a numbà µr of countrià µs and somà µ statà µs in Amà µrica. At thà µ samà µ timà µ, thà µrà µ arà µ many individuals who havà µ arguà µd strongly that sà µxual minoritià µs should not bà µ sà µÃ µking thà µ right to marry bà µcausà µ of thà µ history of marriagà µ as a patriarchal, confining institution inimical to human frà µÃ µdom an d happinà µss. Õvà µn thosà µ who makà µ such argumà µnts, howà µvà µr, tà µnd to support morà µ limità µd, spà µcific forms of là µgal rà µcognition for samà µ-sà µx rà µlationships on pragmatic grounds. Thà µ supportà µrs of gay marriagà µ assumptions arà µ not all basà µd on à µmpirical à µvidà µncà µ dà µrivà µd from scià µntific rà µsà µarch, although somà µ of thà µm may gain crà µdà µncà µ from thà µ rà µsults that havà µ bà µÃ µn announcà µd by scià µntific and historical rà µsà µarchà µrs in rà µcà µnt yà µars (Carpà µntà µr, 2003). Whà µrà µ thà µ traditional family strivà µs to closà µ itsà µlf off from outsidà µ influà µncà µs, oftà µn shunning à µvà µn thà µ involvà µmà µnt of grandparà µnts or distant rà µlativà µs, gay familià µs arà µ usually opà µn to thà µ involvà µmà µnt of many diffà µrà µnt kinds of rà µlationships. It is not uncommon for thà µ childrà µn of gay pà µoplà µ to havà µ two mommià µs (a biological mothà µr and hà µr partnà µr), and two daddià µs (a biological fathà µr and his partnà µr) and numà µrous aunts, unclà µs, and othà µrs who arà µ rà µlatà µd to thà µ child not by blood but by choicà µ. Gay families are often presented in non-traditional ways. On the one hand, the issue of gay marriage is quite a recent phenomenon. On the other hand, young gay people need some sort of psychological support and vision of the future to live and become happy. Gay marriage seems to provide them with such comfort (Bond, 2007). In conclusion, many modern progressive thinkers are deeply persuaded that the institution of marriage will save the society. The current gay pro-family agenda is clear and unambiguous: gay people refer to their civic rights that endow them with the equal treatment in the society, including the ability to marry and build a family. It is not claimed that homosexual unions are trouble-free, but gays should be treated fairly and presented with the comfort and support that traditional family settings offer.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Easily Make Stage Glass or Fake Glass From Sugar
How to Easily Make Stage Glass or Fake Glass From Sugar These instructions will result in either clear or amber glass, depending on the cooking time used. You can use the fake glass as stage glass by pouring it flat into panes or into molds to make breakable shapes. The sugar wont splinter into shards when broken like real glass would. Its not too difficult to make and takes only about 30 minutes to complete. Materials to Make Sugar Glass 1 cup (250 mL) sugarFlat baking sheetButter or baking paperCandy thermometer Directions Butter or line a baking sheet with bakers (silicon) paper. Place the sheet in the refrigerator to chill.Pour the sugar into a small pan on a stove over low heat.Stir continuously until the sugar melts (takes a while). If you have a candy thermometer, remove from heat at the hard crack stage (clear glass).If the sugar is heated just past the hard crack stage it will turn amber (colored translucent glass).Poor the melted sugar onto the cooled pan. Allow it to cool.The glass may be used as candy windows or for lots of other neat purposes. Useful Tips Boiling water will dissolve the sugar and speed clean-up.The glass can be colored using food coloring. Add the coloring after the candy has finished cooking and has cooled slightly.Please use adult supervision for this one! Molten sugar can cause serious burns.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
None Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
None - Essay Example This would be a step towards identifying any more risks of injury that may be associated with the product. In the report to be presented, I will identify the product and also make an accurate description of it as per the regulations of the commission. In the report, I will make sure that I include the name of the manufacturer as well as the distributors of the product that I have information on while stating the nature and extent of the defect that is in the product. I would also include my name and address in the report even though I will hope that the commission keep this confidential since I would not want to be victimized by the management of the company for reporting about the defect to the commission. The decision to report the defects to the commission would be a difficult one since I would have to surrender the reports without the approval of the directors and from previous experience, the board of directors does not tolerate the employees who present to them their findings on the defect and this might be the same action that is taken against me. Nevertheless, I will approach them with the information prior to making the report to the commission. Regardless of the outcome of the presentation of the information to the directors, I will ensure that they commission gets the report and although this is a difficult decision since am new to the job and there is a possibility that reporting about the defects will lead to my dismissal. I consider the USD 5000 that I am being asked to pay on behalf of Green Move to have the Zero Pedal on the shelves of a Sporting goods store illegal since in my opinion, it is tantamount to a bribe. The store should stock the goods depending on the demand by the customers since if the demand is available and the store is not willing to stock the Zero Pedal, then other stores that are willing bring the product closer to the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Arab Heritage Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Arab Heritage Discussion - Essay Example Nasser, respecting culture and respecting human rights issues. The nurse in this context should avail the right drugs to the patient as mother and daughter are culturally accustomed to over the counter prescription but schedule a follow up appointment the following day as the authority of physicians is seldom challenged Mrs. Nasser is to return with her daughter and a trusted elderly relative the following day for the follow-up examination. It is also advisable that when addressing this issue a health practitioner of Arab descent and a woman to be available during the follow-up. The nurse who preferably is a woman should explain the symptoms gradually with assistance from the health practitioner and the elderly relative. To address Mrs. Nasser’s concerns, the nurse should encourage the all three women to observe the nurse as she examines Samia explaining what she is doing. This should be done only after Mrs. Nasser understands that her daughter’s health should be taken to consideration and has given consent for the exam to be done. This is because according to Arab culture informed consent is highly valued (Purnell, 2014; Purnell,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Cougar or Coyote Essay Example for Free
Cougar or Coyote Essay The trickster is an important archetype in any religion or myth because it provides an outlet for all of the chaotic and destructive emotions and tendencies of a people that are controlled by a larger social construct. It is through a trickster figure that people of a religion or society are able to explore the more untamed side of their nature while additionally presenting them with the consequences of those desires. The trickster is a figure that at once both mocks social morals and at the same time also reinforces those morals by showing the pandemonium and trouble that arises if the people do not follow the rules that are in place. The trickster also allows the people of a religion to express ideas and desires that might not ordinarily be acceptable in their society. In this way the trickster plays a very important and cathartic role in a religion or myth. Penelope, from Homers The Odyssey, is a woman of grit and spirit. Ellen Shull declares in her essay â€Å"Valuing Multiple Critical Approaches: Penelope, Again and Again†that Penelope is â€Å"the paragon of resilient womanhood†(32). However, a trickster god, like Monkey from Wu Cheng-ens novel Monkey, and a mortal woman like Penelope appear to have nothing in common. Their roles are so different and their apparent purposes are even more so. On the surface it may seem as though Penelope from The Odyssey shares very little resemblance with a trickster god. However, when one takes a closer look the similarities become more obvious. Penelope is at once a powerful figure that adheres to the social norms of her patriarchal society while still rebelliously challenging the acknowledged rules of how a woman should behave. This can be seen as how a trickster like Monkey is used in myth to subvert a society’s own beliefs. Penelope is the other side of the coin of what it means to be a trickster. She is the female version as it were. Penelope may not be male, amoral, animal, or supernatural but she is cunning, childish, inventive, and she also a subversive figure within her patriarchal society. The most obvious source of incompatibility of Penelope being a trickster is that she is female while the trickster is usually a male like Monkey. Now, unless Penelope was even more deceitful than anyone had ever imagined then it is safe to say that she is not a trickster god based on that one quality alone. Leeming states that the trickster is always male†(163). Obviously, Penelope is not male which means that she is, according to Leeming, not a trickster god, no exceptions. But if Leeming were to make an exception then Penelope would be one. Penelope is a woman who must work against all the restrictions and suffocating bounds that her society uses to leash women in order to trick the people surrounding her and she does. â€Å"She deceives the suitors and even her own husband†(Mueller, 337). Penelope even has long lasting deceptions that fool people for years. The sexual organs Penelope was born with seem to be of little importance when compared to the massive opposing powers and influences that she if forced to undermine and battle against. The next point of disparity between Penelope and a trickster figure like Monkey is that the trickster is seen as a philandering, unprincipled, hooligan. The trickster is considered to be an ethically neutral figure with a propensity for getting into humorous predicaments. Leeming calls the trickster â€Å"amoral†¦outrageous†¦ [and is] untamed by the larger social conscience). Monkey is a perfect example of this side of a trickster. Monkey is not exactly immoral he just has his own sense of what the right thing to do is and he is overwhelmingly selfish. Every action and quest he takes at the beginning of his story is motivated by his desire to be immortal and to gain power. Even when Monkey protects his other monkey subjects he does so because he wants to maintain his kingship more than out of a fear for their safety and wellbeing. One could even posit that the monkeys would be better off without him because he brings the wrath of heaven down upon them. Monkey has all these qualities that Leeming states a trickster is comprised of. Penelope, on the other hand, is none of these things. In fact, she is usually remembered for her faithfulness to her husband even though he was gone for twenty years. Penelope â€Å"waits in Ithaca for Odysseus. She looks after his home, his son and his estate. She weeps lonely tears but nothing induces her to betray her husband and to neglect her duties, not even under pressure from the suitors does she contemplate infidelity†(Smit, 393-394). Her unwavering loyalty to her husband and her devotion to the gods are not the sort of characteristics seen in the trickster who typically represents lower or baser instincts and functions. Penelope is a classy lady but again she also has that side to her that rebels at the rules of her culture. Some might even call her a vain tease for keeping her suitors around for so long while never picking one or giving in to their masculine power. Penelope, also, does not fit in the trickster category because she is only human while a trickster is usually an animal. Leeming states that a trickster â€Å"takes animal form†(163). Monkey obviously fits into this category. Not only is he a monkey but he has mystical origins. He was born from a stone. In fact Monkey’s animal form is a point of ire for him because he in Monkey he tries become more and more human-like. He starts wearing clothes and stands upright in an attempt to appear more human. This fight between animal and human characteristics is vital in a trickster figure because that animal quality is in part what allows them to get away with their mischief. Penelope is no dog. Or any animal for that matter. She is in fact a very desirable woman with scores of suitors fighting for her hand in marriage. This does not help her in the trickster category but it does, however, show how her beauty and desirability are in part what allow her to get away with her schemes. Her beauty can even be seen as her animal side because it basically serves the same function that the animal form serves the trickster. An animal form, or in the case of Penelope, her beauty, is a metaphor of who they are and it allows them to be more completely that character and it allows them to do things that would not ordinarily be acceptable within that society. Penelope’s beauty is what allows her to subvert her patriarchal culture because her beauty gives her power over her suitors. She is a woman but she uses that to her advantage. It could also been seen that being a woman in the time of The Odyssey was akin to being an animal because it was such a male dominant culture where woman were little more than chattel or bargaining pieces. Maybe Penelope has more trickster qualities than are first apparent. The last way that Penelope does not fit into the trickster category is that she has no supernatural powers. Leeming â€Å"†(). She has no magical powers which show even further how she is not like a trickster. The trickster is almost always a supernatural figure. This category obviously denotes that a trickster has otherworldly abilities with which to influence outcomes. Penelope works entirely in the realm of her intelligence to bring about the results and tricks that she has concocted. This can make Penelope seem as being more skilled than a god who needs magic to bring about the outcome that he so desires. When compared to Penelope supernatural powers might be viewed as cheating.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Critical Analysis of The Indifferent by John Donne Essay -- Indifferen
Critical Analysis of "The Indifferent" by John Donne "The Indifferent" by John Donne is a relatively simple love poem in comparison to his other, more complicated works. In this poem, "he presents a lover who regards constancy as a 'vice' and promiscuity as the path of virtue and good sense" (Hunt 3). Because of Donne's Christian background, this poem was obviously meant to be a comical look at values that were opposite the ones held by Christians. According to Clay Hunt, "['The Indifferent'] is probably quite an early poem because of the simplicity and obviousness of its literary methods, its untroubled gaiety, and its pose of libertinism, which all suggest that Donne wrote [the poem] when he was a young man about town in Elizabethan London" (1-2). The poem "mocks the Petrarchan doctrine of eternal faithfulness, putting in its place the anti-morality which argues that constancy is a 'heresy' and that 'Love's sweetest part' is 'variety'" (Cruttwell 153). The first two stanzas of the poem seem to be the speaker talking to an audience of people, w hile the last one looks back and refers to the first two stanzas as a "song." The audience to which this poem was intended is very important because it can drastically change the meaning of the poem, and has therefore been debated among the critics. While most critics believe that the audience changes from men, to women, then to a single woman, or something along those lines, Gregory Machacek believes that the audience remains throughout the poem as "two women who have discovered that they are both lovers of the speaker and have confronted him concerning his infidelity" (1). His strongest argument is that when the speaker says, "I can love her, and her, and you and you," he first points out two random nearby women for "her, and her", then at the two that he is talking to for "you and you." Â Â Â Â Â The first stanza begins rather simply. Donne starts every line with either "I can love" or "Her who." According to Hunt, the tone of the first stanza goes from "weary and patient entreaty" to "a climax of irritation at the end" (4) in the lines "I can love her, and her, and you and you / I can love any, so she be not true." The first eight lines simply list opposite character types, but the last two lines go to "her, and her, and you and you", then to any, "just before Donne springs the sho... ...hold. Â Â Â Â Â This poem presents a speaker that holds morals opposite the ones accepted by the greater part of society. While this poem is not incredibly complicated, it is very interesting to see how Donne spends the first 25 lines of the poem building up a convincing argument, then completely rebutting it in the final two lines. He refers to promiscuity as a vice and constancy as a virtue, using many sexual references to help illustrate his points. Donne successfully creates a character in a simple love poem that believes that there is nothing more to love than lust, and then uses his point of view to portray a portrait of love that is completely opposite of what Donne wants the reader to get from the poem. Works Cited Cruttwell, Patrick. "John Donne." Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800 24: 153. Hunt, Clay. Donne's Poetry: Essays in Literary Analysis. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1954. Machacek, Gregory. "Donne's The Indifferent." Explicator [CD-ROM] 53.4 (Summer 1995): p. 192, 3 p. Availible: Magazine Article Summaries Full Text Elite. Item Number: 951025812. McNees, Eleanor J. "John Donne." Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800 24: 207.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Management and Planning
Tyco Company is a multinational group of companies that are destined to providing manufacturing services based on telecommunications as well as electronics. It also provides services on security and healthcare. The corporation of Tyco Electronics has experienced quite a rapid growth for the past few years, and it is today ranked as the world’s largest manufacturer of components. Management planning is a broad concept that ideally entails definition of the process of engaging all the resources and stakeholders of a particular business enterprise in order to accomplish the set goals of the business, which include success and long-term prosperity. Planning is very crucial to management because having a plan on how all the business resources are managed is the first step to success of the business. Tyco Company has exercised a very high degree of planning for its management. Planning has enabled the company to wisely and economically manage its process assets. These assets include the stipulated standards as well as policies that govern the Tyco Company. These process assets that have been well managed through proper planning within the Tyco Company are risk categories, whereby risk management planning has been emphasized roles as well as responsibilities of each member of the company that is the workforce, the management team and the stakeholders, and finally processes of decision making within the company. Tyco Company has also been able to plan for managing the company’s environmental factors. These factors disclose tolerance that whole company organization and the stakeholders’ experience. Understanding of these factors have enabled the whole Tyco Company organization and the stakeholders to be satisfied with decisions that reward the level as well as the density of risk management that is applied in the company. Budgeting is also very important in any organization. Therefore planning on how to manage budgeting has been a key issue in Tyco Company and this has contributed to even distribution of resources within the different branches of the company organizations. Planning has also ensured that such overlooked issues in many companies such as risk management are considered and budgeted for. Time is always a constraint and time management is a very important aspect that should be stressed on by every organization that seeks to succeed. Tyco Company has a well plan for time management, something that has ensured coherence among the various companies’ departments (Drucker,Harper & Row,1954).Planning for time management has also helped Tyco Company in fast manufacture, and supply of its products such electronics in time and as well, time service provision. This has highly boosted the company’s credibility and reliability, while at the same time rising to the higher levels of success. There are legal issues that arise within the Tyco Company. The fact that Tyco Company is a multinational Company means that it has several business operations in different states of countries. Each country is bound to have a different scale for tax payment.  In some countries, therefore, Tyco Company meets a lot of expenses through tax payment and this affects planning for budgeting management. Planning is hence affected on the basis of budgeting due to this legal issue. Ethics deals with good relations towards others or the moral standards that are expected in the society. Tyco Company has been able to maintain high ethical practices by understanding that, ethics as far as a business is concerned, begins right from the top. The top managers in the Tyco Company therefore have been able to observe high critical standards hence setting a good example for the employees at the lower level to emulate. This has enhanced management planning through establishment of a strong relationship and trust among the company’s staff, and the entire society. Drucker, Harper & Row, 1954). The company also exercised quite high social responsibility standards. It identifies and work s towards mentioning its customers through establishing good employee customer relations. This has affected the management planning for Tyco Company since the company’s reliability is heightened and the customers are assures for the companies time management. Tyco Company has also laid down strategic contingency, operational as well as tactical plans. Strategic planning is a process though which a company’s goal that are long term are determined at also involves identification of the most appropriate approach though which these goals can be achieved. Contingency planning involves putting into place long-term measures that are aimed at responding to any unlikely disaster that is bound to occur. It involves planning for the unexpected. Operational planning involves all the activities that are short term and are geared to operating together towards success of the company while tactical planning involves planning for immediate future. All these plans are influence by various factors in any company. In Tyco Company, lack of adequate resources such as funds and time has entirely affected perfect strategic, contingence, operational and tactical planning. Most of the funds and available time is committed to expanding the business networks and technology as well as providing in service training to the companies workforce. (Thompson & Sheldon, 2003). Lack of qualified personnel who can deliver reliable plans has been another factor that has influenced the company’s strategic, tactical, operational and contingency planning. This has led to increased chances of for instance, future risks since there are no firm laid grounds for risk management plans. Unqualified personnel have also led to a problem of not documenting all the research and activities that the plans establish. This planning is also influenced by credibility which is created by representative participation, clear documentation as well as adhering to the rules of achieving the complete process. References. Drucker P. F. Harper & Row. (1954).The Practice of Management.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Sensory Perception
Our senses nourish our brain like food feeds our body, without their input our brains would be very hollow and lacking of knowledge (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007). For knowledge we heavily rely on what we perceive from our senses, as they provide first-hand experiences, giving us primary evidence on surroundings and situations. However human’s five senses touch, taste, sight, sound and smell also have their imitations, so therefore they each have weaknesses to the amount of accuracy of knowledge they can give. Starting from the sense of sight, a popular expression is â€Å"seeing is believing†as we depend on this sense to confirm reality. However beliefs from sight vary from person to person as we perceive things differently. An example of this would be the fact there was a time when people believed the earth was flat, as that was how it appeared as people could see the distant horizon as a straight line, it was only when the few thought otherwise went forth to prove against this knowledge that they were able to open new vistas of reality through their vision. Hearing, another sense has also been important for the use of human survival as a way of hearing unusual sounds that may stand for danger and for communication through language. However, human hearing can be limited, as often scientists find the existence or presence of sounds we cannot hear through our own ears. A human hearing deteriorates through age, as sensitivity towards sounds of higher frequency is lost. However our hearing is sophisticated enough that we can organize the sounds we hear, grouping and segregating these factors so in one aspect we hear what we want to hear. Sounds can also be interpreted or misinterpreted by different people as they stimulate varied emotions. As we generally connect the sounds we hear back to our memory, meaning we can recognize a person with a distinguishable voice. The sense of smell is important and is often used subconsciously for instinctual reasons. As recently discovered the extent to which the smell of a partner can affect our attraction to them. Our perceptions and evaluations others are influenced by their smell, as unpleasant smells connect to our disgusts or negative opinion of another. However, the perception of what is a good or bad smell can be interpreted differently between people as it is attached to previous knowledge gained. Knowledge, justification and critical thinking are three factors that contribute to the accuracy of sensory data (Mohanan, 2000). Critical thinking is the mental process of reflecting upon something to assess its credibility, truth, significance, usefulness, value or goodness on the basis of information available to us and a mode of justification that we consider legitimate. Critical thinking, knowledge and justification support the accuracy of information that our senses feed our brain. What we call knowledge is a collection of propositions that we believe to be true. A knowledge claim becomes part of the knowledge for an individual when the claim is accepted as true. Justification involves providing reasons for accepting propositions that we regards as knowledge, that is, for considering them to be true. It also involved providing reasons for rejecting the propositions that we regard as non-knowledge, considering them to be false. In other words, justification involves the defense of what we regards as true, and the refutation of what we regard as false. Observations, generalizations and theories are strategies of justification when using the senses as a viable way of gaining knowledge. Psychologists have long debated if perception is in fact due to nature or nurture. Beginning from the view point of nature, Gibson’s bottom up/direct theory that all the information we need to perceive is provided by our visual environment e. g. nature, rather than having to use past knowledge or experience (Mace, 2005). Additionally, Gibson and Gibson later proposed their Differentiation Theory which explains how the innate system develops. They suggested when young, we lack the ability to differentiate between objects. However, as we get older we develop the ability to differentiate, for this to take place all the necessary information needed is found is our visual environment. Next, from the view point that perception is a processes of nurture comes from Gregory’s top down/indirect theory which suggest that often the perceptual sensory data we receive is ambiguous and impoverished so perception often relies on the construction of sensory data, stored knowledge and expectations (McLeod, 2007). Research would suggest that although some argue that perception is due to nature, while other argues for nurture, it may in fact be that the two factors are interdependent and rely on each other. After all, it would be most adaptive to be born with some ‘hard wired systems’ which can be pruned and then developed to suit our environment. The human senses have enough strength to enable us to survive and develop our knowledge of our surrounding world to a point a point which we feel comfortable. Each sense has its limitations as well as its capability to be influenced by our inherited preferences, memories or previous knowledge. The senses an also be influenced by certain human states as tiredness, drug/alcohol abuse, nutritional deficiencies are all detrimental to the sensitivity of senses causing us to perceive something mistakenly. Our senses tell us similar things: through our different experiences in life we absorb the facts in different ways.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Visual Arts Essays - Aesthetics, Art Movements, Art History
Visual Arts Essays - Aesthetics, Art Movements, Art History Visual Arts Kendall R. Beard University of Phoenix Define Visual Arts Visual expressions are the making of a person's creative ability in various types of workmanship, for example, canvases, drawing, film, photography, makes, music, gems plan and so forth. These works of art are made to empower the faculties of feeling, feeling, and thought about the onlooker. The visual craftsmanship makes an extraordinary affair for each individual eyewitness whether the response is furious, happy, or tragic. The workmanship should make this sort of response which may contrast from one individual to the next. Because one individual does not comprehend the message that the craftsman is attempting to send does not imply that different onlookers won't get the message. Everybody individual has their own kind of reaction and response. Differentiate the visual arts from other forms of creative expression. All through the historical backdrop of craftsmanship, various craftsmen have made some kind of workmanship expressions that vary from each other inside their own class. For instance, works of art have their own diverse sorts of inventive expressions that communicates the craftsmen message using distinctive styles of hues and shapes inside the canvas. A few craftsmen like to delineate sensational scenes and some like to make depictions of genuine articulations of reality. Underneath will list distinctive inventive expressions including painting: Realism - Realism creative expression delineates scenes that are conspicuous as being reasonable. A case of authenticity expression is the well-known Mona Lisa painting. Impressionism - Numerous well known painters, for example, Renoir and Manet use impressionism. Impressionism delineates striking visual scenes of area, water, and air that is seen through the craftsmen eyes. A lake, lake, or a delightful scene demonstrating the mountain perspective and meadows is a case of impressionism. Photo-realism - Photorealism is like realism yet rather than painting the craftsmanship, photographs are utilized to express what the craftsmen sees, for example, light and shade of a specific item. Street Art - Street Art is an extremely mainstream innovative expression regularly utilized by young people. The craftsmen would portray their social and political studies through wall paintings and graffiti. A large portion of these specialists have not had the preparation, for example, craftsmen that utilization authenticity and impressionism inside their specialty. While compositions have diverse styles of communicating the craftsmen creative ability and innovativeness, there are different types of making imaginative expressions that have their own style. Music for instance is a work of art expression that has numerous classes. Music is shaped through various classification sorts, for example, nation, pop, traditional, metal, rock and move, reggae, and so forth. Music has numerous more sorts of kinds and styles then the class of artworks. There is even a classification of music that the performer makes with their mouth which is called beat-boxing which is genuinely new, presented in the 21st century. Likewise, in numerous areas all through the world are different societies and legacy that have their own one of a kind sorts of music. Trinidad and Tobago are known not steel skillet that make exceptionally one of a kind sounds while K-Pop of Korea are known not appealing beats with a blend of rock, pop, hip-jump, and RB. Music is an extremely well known type of craftsmanship expression that is utilized as a part of today's general public more than a work of art. List the different media of visual art such as painting, sculpture, photography, and so on. There are a wide range of mediums that can be utilized to show the specialists creative energy, sentiments, and feeling. These mediums can go from works of art, models, calligraphy, photography, and so on. Beneath will list the kind of mediums utilized as a part of visual workmanship alongside its depiction: Painting - Painting is one of the main extraordinary present day workmanship developments. The work of art fine art generally speaks to the specialist's creative energy through painting on some kind of canvas or paper. The craftsmen utilize a brush and numerous sorts of hues to make workmanship. Numerous can say that work of art is a path for the specialists to speak with the gathering of people. The craftsmanship can be either a scene, still life, pop workmanship, and some more. Leonardo da
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Teaching Social Skills in Special Education
Teaching Social Skills in Special Education Social skills are critical for long-term success. Sometimes referred to as Emotional Intelligence, it is a combination of the ability to understand and manage ones own emotional state (Intra-personal Intelligence in Howard Gardners Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences) and the ability to understand and respond to other people. Although social skills include understanding and using social conventions, it also includes the ability to understand the Hidden Curriculum, the ways in which peers communicate and interact reciprocity, and the ability to build interpersonal relationships. Social Conventions Difficulty with social skills and deficits in social skills are found to different degrees across abilities as well as disabilities. Both children with disabilities and children from low socio-economic groups may not have an extensive understanding of social conventions and may need instruction in conventions such as: Appropriate greetings depending on relationships: i.e. peer to peer or child to adultAppropriate and polite ways to make requests (please) and express gratitude (thank you)Addressing adultsShaking handsTaking turnsSharingGiving positive feedback (praise) to peers, no put-downsCooperation Intra-Personal Social Skills, or Managing Ones Self Difficulty managing ones own emotional state, especially tantrums or aggression in response to frustration, is common in children with disabilities. Children for whom this is the primary disabling condition are often diagnosed with an emotional or behavioral disorder, which may be designated as emotional support, severely emotionally challenged, or conduct disorder. Many children with disabilities may be less mature than their typical peers and may reflect less understanding of how to manage their own emotions. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders commonly have difficulty with emotional self-regulation and understanding emotion. Difficulty with social situations is a component of the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders, which reflects deficits in understanding and expression of their own emotional states. Emotional Literacy needs to be explicitly taught to students, especially students with emotional and behavioral disorders and children with autism spectrum disorders. This requires teaching the ability to identify emotions by looking at faces, the ability to identify cause and effect for emotions and scenarios, and learning appropriate ways to deal with personal emotional states. Behavioral contracts are often useful tools for students with poor self-regulation skills, both to teach and self-monitor difficulty with self-regulation as well as teach and reward appropriate or replacement behavior. Inter-Personal Social Skills The ability to understand others emotional states, wants, and needs are critical not only for success in school but also success in life. It is also a quality of life issue, which will help students with and without disabilities to build relationships, find happiness, and succeed economically. It can also contribute to a positive classroom environment. Appropriate interactions: Children with disabilities, especially Autism Spectrum Disorders, often need to be taught appropriate social interactions, such as making requests, initiating interactions, sharing, exercising reciprocity (give and take), and turn taking. Teaching appropriate interactions can involve modeling, role-playing, scripting, and social narratives. Successfully learning and generalizing of appropriate interactions requires lots of practice.Understanding and building relationships: Children with disabilities often do not have the skills to initiate and sustain mutual relationships. In cases with students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, they need to be explicitly taught the components of friendship or relationships. Building and Generalizing Skills Students with disabilities have problems both with acquiring and applying social skills. They need lots of practice. Successful ways to learn and generalize social skills include: Modeling: The teacher and an aide or another teacher enact the social interactions you want students to learn.Video self-modeling: You videotape the student performing the social skill with lots of prompting, and edit out the prompting to create a more seamless digital recording. This video, paired with rehearsal, will support the students effort to generalize the social skill.Cartoon strip social interactions: Introduced by Carol Gray as Comic Strip Conversations, these cartoons let your students fill in the thought and speech bubbles before they role-play a conversation. Research has shown that these are effective ways to help students build social interaction skills.Role-playing: Practice is essential for maintaining social skills. Role-playing is a great way to give students an opportunity not only to practice the skills they are learning but also to teach students to evaluate each others or their own performance of skills.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Cultural Transformation in Extended Care Nursing Homes Term Paper
Cultural Transformation in Extended Care Nursing Homes - Term Paper Example Cultural transformations in a nursing environment refer to the changes in the perceptions of the care providers on the mode of delivery of services to their clients - the residents (Hojlo, 2010). The transformations are necessary due to the need for improved services at the centers. The cultural transformation process is not a simple change but a paradigm shift involving three main stages namely, ‘a time of chaos and confusion, crisis, and acceptance’ (Hojlo, 2010, p.45). This paper illustrates the contribution of nursing to cultural transformation for improved services. It makes use of a practical project that has proved effective towards this objective. Introduction to the project The project is a step towards creating a friendlier environment for the residents in these nursing homes. The entire transformation process is systematic and bound occur in phases. ... There is need for a more one-on-one correspondence between residents and the nursing assistants. On one hand, residents have affairs that require privacy at certain points and on the other hand, there is a need for the residents to engage in some organizational activities. The move is driven by the provisions on the Bill of Rights for the residents in these nursing homes. Just like the other ordinary healthy people, the residents are entitled to good housing environment and follow his or her choice and preferences in various daily requirements. The individuals are entitled to us basic commodities that are in their living environment. The individuals also have the rights to privacy. Overview of the project The project takes on three different dimensions. The first initiative is choice of items in the food menu. It involves discussing with residents and families on the schedule of food items depending on their preference and the bodily requirements. Another initiative is introduction o f various sporting activities. The third component of the project is conducting a get-together occasion in which the residents share their experiences with families, friends, professionals, and other patients. Literature Review The cultural transformations in the nursing homes are inevitable due to the changing needs of the residents in such homes. Person-directed care has a central focus on the needs, interests and the lifestyles preferred by an individual (HealthInsight New Mexico, 2012). This is because every individual has unique needs, strengths, and relationships that should be addressed. The provision of strong health care services requires high levels of competency and professionalism with a major focus on the quality of life and the quality of care given to the residents
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Financial Statements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Financial Statements - Essay Example This project aims at studying and analyzing the annual report of Home Depot as submitted to the United States SEC in the year 2008. The basic financial statements including the income statement, the balance sheet and the cash flow statements of the company are studied and mapped against the managerial decision making processes of the company in the specific year under study. The consolidated statement of earnings of Home Depot indicates that the company has been extremely proficient in generating revenues in 2008. The total revenue in 2008 was USD 77349 million. The operating expenses of the company were USD 18755 million. This indicates that the company was much efficient in generating high revenues while being able to maintain much lower operating expenses. The net earnings of Home Depot in 2008 were USD 4395 which is favorable when mapped against the industry requirements. In overall, as per the consolidated statement of earnings of Home Depot, the company was performing at a standard level in the year 2008 (Home Depot Inc., 2008, p. 4). The consolidated statement of earnings or the income statement of a company summarizes the revenues that a company has earned during the period of reporting through the sale of its products and services. Also, it includes the expenses that a company has made to produce the revenues during the same period. These expenses may include the selling expenses, overheads, general expenses and depreciation of the assets. The comparison of the revenues and the expenses of a company show the net operating profit of a company. After the deduction of various statutory deductions like taxes and interest expenses, the consolidated statement of earnings of a business represents the net earnings of the company over a specific period of time. The key business decisions like how the return on investment for the company can be improved are
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Presentation for the Global marketing into CVs and Wallgreen PowerPoint
For the Global marketing into CVs and Wallgreen - PowerPoint Presentation Example The company has stores in more than 32 states and is expanding gradually in Florida. The expectations of the Florida market have been beyond anticipations due to customer acceptance and better sales figures in the new areas of expansion. Another marketing strategy used is altering the format of the stores, which has generated high margins of profit. CVS has moved from a 9600 square feet prototype convention to bigger and better free standing facilities, which has seen $22 billion in sales and ranked second among competitors in 2012 (Callegarri, 2003). On the other hand, Walgreens has based its marketing strategies on customers. This has resulted into a huge shift in direction. The strategies used include: identifying the customer need; building relationships internally between customer service, IT and operations and marketing departments; a clear outcome and goal and marketing communication; and making the company system simpler. This has seen Walgreens open more stores to cater for customer need as a marketing strategy. Another marketing strategy used by Walgreens is customer initiatives such as the launch of Customer Centric Retailing initiative in 2008, which brought huge profit margins (Nulman,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
English Literature Appreciation of the Beauties of Nature
English Literature Appreciation of the Beauties of Nature Appreciation of the Beauties of Nature There is appreciation for the beauties of nature in almost every Romantic work that we have read. The two works that I saw it the most in were â€Å"Nutting†and â€Å"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow†. These two works had very detailed descriptions of the beauties of nature, which really made you appreciate those beauties. Romantic writers such as Wordsworth and Irving really make you see how much they appreciate nature. In â€Å"Nutting†there were many details of the beauties of nature. I think that the best example of this would have to be â€Å"More ragged than need was! Oer pathless rocks,Through beds of matted fern, and tangled thickets†. Even though Wordsworth was talking about how tough this stuff was making it to get through the woods he is using this to show his appreciation of these beauties of nature. I think he was probably doing the same thing in saying â€Å"Motley accoutrement, of power to smile At thorns, and brakes, and brambles,and in truth†. These lines are also showing unpleasant things in nature that are also considered a beauty. Almost every line in Wordsworth’s â€Å"Nutting†describes some beauty of nature. I really like this because it was very descriptive and easy to read. I also really like nature and Wordsworth’s descriptions made me relate to some of things he was talking about. â€Å"Nutting†is a perfect example of how R omanticists expressed their appreciation of the beauties of nature. â€Å"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow†is also an excellent example of Romanticisms appreciation of the beauties of nature. There are many examples in this work that can make you actually picture what is being seen by the characters in the story. The best example of Irving’s appreciation of the beauties of nature was when Icabod went to Katrina Van Tassel’s house. Irving described her farm so well that almost any one could see what he was talking about. â€Å"Swallows and martins skimmed twittering about the eaves; an rows of pigeons, some with one eye turned up, as if watching the weather, some with their heads under their wings or buried in their bosoms, and others swelling, and cooing, and bowing about their dames, were enjoying the sunshine on the roof†, this is just one example of Irving’s descriptiveness of things in nature. Another example of Irving’s appreciation of the beauty of nature is when he said â€Å"His stronghold was situated o n the banks of the Hudson, in one of those green, sheltered, fertile nooks in which the Dutch farmers are so fond of nestling. A great elm tree spread its broad branches over it, at the foot of which bubbled up a spring of the softest and sweetest water, in a little well formed of a barrel.†With this descriptiveness you can almost taste how sweet the water was. He also makes you feel like you are sitting on the bank of the Hudson river. Irving also did a good job of describing the things in nature that Icabod was passing as he was on his way home from the Van Tassel’s house. Even though the things he was talking about had some superstitions to them such as Major Andre’s Tree which was really scary to Icabod in the dark, but would have probably been beautiful in the daylight. Before Icabod came upon Major Andre’s Tree, he had to cross Wiley’s Swamp which Irving described by saying â€Å"a small brook crossed the road, and ran into a marshy and thickly-wooded glen, known by the name of Wileys Swamp.†Irving definitely did a very excellent job describing the beauties of nature in â€Å"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow†. He even made things in nature that looked bad at first look beautiful after he got done describing them. Irving went about Romanticism a lot different than most of the other Romanticists, but the one thing he really had in common was his appreciation for beauty in nature. I really think that it is funny that â€Å"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow†was really supposed to be kind of scary story, but ended up showing a whole lot of beauty in all of the things that Irving described in this story. Overall, Wordsworth’s â€Å"Nutting†and Irving’s â€Å"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow†both describe very well a lot of the beauties of nature. I think that they really represented romanticism very well. They were both very descriptive writers and what they wrote was very comprehendible. The style of both writers was really different with Wordsworth’s work being a poem and Irving’s work being more of a short story. They were both very well written and both really showed an appreciation for the beauty of nature. I really enjoyed reading both of these works because of all of the detailed descriptions of things in nature. â€Å"Nutting†Really reminded me of the days before deer season I spend out in the woods scouting out the area with the most oak trees that have the most acorns. I also could really relate to Icabod being spooked by things he was seeing and hearing in the dark on his way home from Katrina Van Tassel’s house. I have often heard some of the same sounds and saw some of the spooky shadows while walking through the woods in the dark as Icabod did. Wordsworth and Irving both did an excellent job in showing their appreciation in the beauties of nature. That is why I have to say that these were two excellent works of Literature.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Lack Of Women in Arizona Politics, Specifically the United States Congress :: Essays Papers
The Lack Of Women in Arizona Politics, Specifically the United States Congress Arizona has been referred to as the "state of the woman" in recent literature. Last year, the state made history when it became the first to elect females to all top five executive positions of the state, see Jimena Valdes' essay. These elections indicate that women have gained much equality in Arizona politics based on their state success. However, if one is to study the representation of Arizona women in national politics, it is apparent that there is still a definite lack of woman in this area of politics. Currently, there are no women representing Arizona in the United States Congress, and there have only ever been two, Isabella Greenway and Karan English. This essay discusses the reasons behind this misrepresentation of woman in Arizona national politics; such as economic inequality, the lack of support from well-known male politicians, strong family bias, which has been a result of the powerful Republican political force that exists in Arizona, and the alienation of wome n when they are finally elected to the United States Congress. I: Isabella Selmes Greenway: Socialite and Businesswoman Isabella Greenway was the first Arizona congresswoman, and unlike many other woman of her time, she had strong political support from the first family, which was the main reason behind her nomination to Congress in 1933. Isabella Greenway first entered politics as a supporter of Franklin Roosevelt, who became a very close friend as a result of Greenway’s long relationship with his wife (Office 1). This of course was an extremely important step in her establishment of a political career. Because of her close friendship with the first family, Isabella Greenway had every opportunity to watch Franklin Roosevelt in his political career, and then use her acquired knowledge to move into a political career of her own, in the Democratic party. This was a unique opportunity, and there is no doubt that she would not have entered into politics if there had not been this friendship between her and the Roosevelts. In Greenway’s lifetime, female politicians were an extremely r are species, and it was only because of this strong political backing from the first family, that she became the first Arizona Congresswoman. Isabella Greenway’s nomination also came as a result of her wealth, which was also a unique property for a woman living in her time, and would not have come about if her two rich husband’s had not died.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Billabong Case Study
Introduction Billabong International Limited (BBG) produces surf wear, sports apparel and accessories for the surf, skate and snowboard markets (Macquarie, 2012). The firm recorded an 18. 4% decrease in net profit to A$119. 1 million in 2011 (Billabong Shareholder Review 2010/2011). After intense acquisition efforts, which saw Billabong buying over 11 brands (Appendix A), the company was forced to undergo a major restructuring, closing 150 stores and cutting 400 jobs worldwide (AAP, Feb 2012).The report will be analyzing the Billabong brand, specifically its surf wear in Australia, to identify the underlying crucial issues that must be addressed. Current opportunities and threats that Billabong can leverage on will be prioritized, then weighed against the firm’s internal strengths and weaknesses in order to increase sales. Solutions in line with Billabong’s mission of striving to set new benchmarks through youthful lifestyle brands and experiences will be explored. Situ ation Analysis & Problem IdentificationTo identify the key issues and opportunities that Billabong is facing, an analysis was conducted on the following five areas. Appendix B shows the consolidated list of issues Billabong faces. 1. Customers (Appendix C) The Customer Experience Cycle was used to identify key opportunities such as improving the Purchase context through greater interactivity with customers. Another opportunity was to promote an eco-friendly way to dispose of used products while gaining rewards. 2. Competitors and Context (Appendix D, E & F)A PEST analysis of the Australian market reveals a demographic shift to the under -15s market (Euromonitor 2012), which was an opportunity for Billabong to target. Using Porter’s Five Forces (Appendix E), a Positioning Map and Competitor Threat Analysis (Appendix F) to analyse the boardsport industry confirmed that competition from a few big surf brands was high and that all had a strong brand following and highlighted the need to differentiate its products from them. 3. Company (Appendix G) The Balanced Scorecard was used to measure Billabong’s performance.They had high brand awareness of 86% in Australia but a lower conversion rate of 46% (Billabong 2012), which presents an opportunity to target those already aware of Billabong. 4. Collaborators (Appendix H) Billabong has yet to explore the opportunity to â€Å"unsource†, allowing for customer collaborations in designing boardshorts. Another area to explore could be coopetition with surf brands to tackle problems which affect the surf wear industr y. Through an opportunity and threat matrix, the consolidated lists of issues were prioritized. Opportunity Matrix Threat MatrixThose with the highest probability of success and attractiveness in the Opportunity Matrix and those with highest probability of occurrence and seriousness in the Threat Matrix were taken into consideration as key issues. Those chosen were the most pressing issues th at Billabong would be able to address with a good chance of success. Key Issues/Opportunities Key Objectives Undifferentiated surf wear products To produce a new product line that is among competitors not available by other surf wear brands by 2013. Low conversion rate despite high brand To increase conversion rate to 52% and awareness brand loyalty by 7% by 2014.Surf wear is declining in popularity as a To revive the popularity of surf wear as form of casual apparel due to increasing casual wear and increase sales by 10% availability of cheaper alternatives from the 34% of Active Lifestyle consumers. Australians are increasingly To create an environmentally friendly environmentally conscious product range by end of 2012. Shifting demographics to under 15s Create activities for consumers under 15s to garner 50% brand awareness by 2014. Solution Scenarios & Implications Solutions to the identified key issues/opportunities were gathered from the Active SWOT, ERRC Grid and CEC (Appendi x I, J, C).The What if analysis (Appendix K) was used to consolidate the solutions. Active SWOT Scenario 1 Building a new Billabong Customer Experience Key Issues Addressed With the main objective of increasing conversion rate by 6%, Billabong physical stores will be revamped to offer 1. Low conversion rate despite a new surf experience for customers. high brand awareness The Sense Value, from the CEC, is an important factor 2. Undifferentiated surf wear products among competitors 3. Shifting demographics to under 15s in the retail experience as stimulating the five senses causes it to be memorable and engaging.As identified in the ERRC grid, Billabong Surf Villages will be constructed at popular surf beaches to be closer to potential customers. A surf school will be created to give under 15 year old customers surfing lessons and to introduce them to Billabong’s products through a starter kit. Interactivity and a multisensory experience in physical stores will be implemented through surfboard simulators so that customers can try how their apparel feels like while surfing. Surf enthusiasts will be hired as sales associates to spread the passion of surfing to customers and to increase retail expertise – a weakness highlighted in he Active SWOT. Scenario 2 Differentiating Billabong’s surf wear products Key Issues Addressed Differentiate Billabong’s surf wear through value adding rather than reducing price. Reversible boardshorts (one 1. Undifferentiated surf wear products among competitors side featuring a formal design and the other a fun design) will be introduced as a main differentiating point from competitors in the market. Low conversion rate despite high brand awareness To capitalise on the individuality of surfers, their Self Esteem Value, customization of apparel will be 3. Surf wear is declining in popularity as a form of casual ntroduced through Billabong’s e-commerce site and boutique stores. apparel due to increasin g availability of cheaper To create exclusivity and reduce over-supply, Billabong alternatives can reduce the quantity per collection and increase the frequency of collections to keep up with trends. Collaborations with well known fashion designers, celebrities or pro surfers can be explored for limited edition ranges. Billabong can introduce a customer innovation platform, where customers give feedback or submit designs through their e-commerce site and physical stores. This ensures that styles remain relevant. A CRM system can e installed to track customers’ purchases and predict successful collections. Scenario 3 Incorporating Environmental Sustainability to achieve a competitive advantage Key Issues Addressed 1. Australians are increasingly environmentally conscious Billabong will either engage in a coopetition with a supplier or competitor to invest in green research and development for the surf wear industry. The brand can also rely on its strength of superior research and 2. Undifferentiated surf wear development skills highlighted in the Active SWOT. products among competitors An innovative way to engage customers and 3. Surf wear is declining in ifferentiate themselves from competitors in the popularity as a form of casual Disposal Context (from the CEC) is to launch an apparel due to increasing environmental disposal programme for Billabong availability of cheaper wetsuits and boardshorts. It would allow customers to alternatives recycle their used ones in exchange for a discount on their next purchase. Billabong could adopt a green approach from business practices to the design of the physical retail outlets. These solutions would motivate environmentally conscious consumers to purchase their products even if it is more expensive than casual wear alternatives.Scenario 4 Transformational Strategy Key Issues Addressed Billabong aims to focus on product and experience to 1. Undifferentiated surf wear products among competitors appeal to the acti on sports core and active lifestyle segment (Billabong, 2012). It will focus on simplifying its business by cutting down on style duplications and Low conversion rate despite leverage on the Billabong brand to translate the high brand awareness customer experience across channels including their ecommerce and physical store. Customer insights research will be undertaken. Customer driven innovation capability will also be mplemented. Its retail stores will be revamped to be more customer centric and retailing IT systems will be updated to gather more customer insights through its point of sales. The lack of retail expertise will also be addressed. Recommendation & Justification This matrix helps prioritize which of the 4 scenarios from Billabong is more urgent and which would have a greater impact upon the company. We can see that Scenario 2 is rated high in urgency and high in potential impact. Therefore it is recommended that Billabong conduct a detailed planning and implementation of this scenario immediately.This is urgent because Billabong’s product line is the core of it’s business; if it’s products are not attractive, creating other strategies should be secondary. Furthermore, a Risk and Return Analysis (Appendix L) on the recommended solution shows that the returns are much higher than the risks involved. Surf wear brands look similar due to limited styles. Customers have low switching costs and can easily purchase another surf brand or fast fashion brand. However, with differentiated products such as reversible boardshorts, Billabong offers greater value at its existing price.Furthermore, differentiated products would lead to an increased conversion rate among customers once they see the value in purchasing Billabong’s products over others. Costs incurred to manufacture such boardshorts are high; a budget of $1. 5 million was allocated. Several factors that Billabong has to consider are the specialised equipments, hygiene (i . e. shorts must be safe and clean to be worn on both sides in the same day) and materials used. In addition, Billabong will introduce customization services at it’s boutique stores and ecommerce platform to appeal to customers’ individuality.By being able to customize their surf wear, customers would find greater value in their purchase versus off -the-rack. To ensure Billabong apparels are trendsetters, quantity per collection will be limited to 500 pieces per design. With that, Billabong can introduce more collections per year aligning with current trends. By limiting quantity, it ensures Billabong inventory moves quickly before the season changes. This reduces the risk of selling excess inventory through heavy discounting (Walters 2012) and obsolete products.Billabong will introduce a new product line by 2013, the limited edition collection, which will be available for sale in Billabong’s boutiques only. These collections feature collaborations with fashion designers and pro surfers. Quantity will be limited to 300 pieces throughout Australia to ensure exclusivity. Such collaborations are likely to cost Billabong $3. 5 million. However, the returns are much higher as the limited quantity encourages customers to make purchases faster. To facilitate customer participation, Billabong can introduce a platform to collect customers feedback on what they would like to see in the upcoming collections.A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system will be installed at sales points to track customers purchases and best selling apparel in order to launch similar successful collections in near future. Although the remaining three scenarios solve similar problems i. e. undifferentiated surf wear products amongst competitors, however, the returns as seen in KPI measurement below would enable Billabong to achieve its key objective of increase of 6% conversion rate and 7% increase of brand loyalty through the various initiatives. Objectives Measures Target Initiatives (actions Budget (in (KPI) (Current) ased on scenario planning) $) Financial 1. Monthly 1. Increase 1. Launch 1 new 1. $70,000 Perspective sales profit sales by collection each 15% by 2015 month, instead of the 1. Increase in current plan of revenue launching new collections once every 3 months. 2. Decrease 2. Operational 2. Reduce 2. Lock in several costs expenses costs by main suppliers to gain 2. $800,000 10% by 2015 EOS Customer 1. Brand loyalty 1. Repeated Perspective conversion rate purchases 1. Track 1. $500,000 purchases using CRM system 1. Increase in brand loyalty 2. Improve brand 2. Market brand 2. Increase 2. Exclusivity of perception arket Billabong’s products shares by (Limited edition line) shares 2. $1,000,000 15% by 2015 3. Improve 3. Customer 3. Increase product offerings Satisfaction rate satisfaction rate by 10% 3. Value-added 3. $2,500,000 product – reversible shorts by 2015 Capabilities 1. Number of 1. Increase 1. Customers persp ective customized by 15% by collaborators / Mass 1. $850,000 products 2015 customization 2. Delivery 2. Percent of 2. Reduce 2. Invest in quality quality product failures product management control / rejections failure by 1. Customization 2. $600,000 20% by 2015 Innovation 1. Number of 1. Implement 1.Introduce a Perspective feedback from 15% of platform to collect customers that customer customers’ feedback 1. Usage of Billabong feedback customer’s implemented feedback 1. $500,000 Conclusion To be able to differentiate its product offering would give Billabong a competitive edge over the few big players in the market who have all been competing on the same dimensions for the past decade. The focal point is to understand consumers through the CRM system and the information is crucial in order to design products and activities that appeal to them; increasing conversion rate and building loyalty to Billabong.By keeping its mission statement in mind of continuously setting a new standard in board sports through youthful lifestyle brands and experiences, the brand will be able to increase sales by selling the right product and offering the best experience. (2096 words) Appendix Appendix A: Sub Brands under Billabong International Sub Brand Description Element A line of shoes for technical skate footwear and for girls. Von Zipper Eyewear, accessories and premium apparel targeting the boardsports and general action sports sectors. Kustom Surf inspired footwear brand.Palmers Surf Surf hardware brand specialized in the manufacturing of surfboard wax and surfing accessories, including deck grip and legropes. It also offers an apparel range of t-shirts, boardshorts and walkshorts, as well as workwear. Honolua Surf Inspired by the iconic Hawaiian waterman and has a strong presence Company in Hawaii. Nixon Offers watches and accessories. Xcel Offers specialty wetsuits and a sun protective product line. Tigerlily Markets swimwear and apparel products in Austra lia. Sector 9 Skateboard brand specializing in skate longboards. DaKine Engages in the design and development of technical bags and ccessories for the surf, skate, snowboard, ski, mountain bike, windsurf and kite disciplines. RVCA Lifestyle brand offering apparel in the action sports category. Appendix B: Consolidated table of issues/opportunities identified Opportunity Customer Increase consumers’ sensory experience by creating a Billabong Surf Village. Increase relational and selfexpansion value by hiring surf enthusiasts to impart knowledge to customers and increase sense of belonging. Encourage a personalised experience by introducing a CRM system which caters to individual customer preferences. Introduce a simulated surf machine into selected retail utlets to increase element of fun and adventure; entertainment value. Raise status value of Billabong products by increasing exclusivity; create limited edition items. Threat Emphasize customers’ individual identities through customization of boardshorts. Create an incentive for customers to dispose of their Billabong products in an environmentally friendly manner. Launch a tradein program where customers may exchange their old boardshorts for a discount on a new pair. Context Value add Billabong’s products Lower buyer confidence and their surfer experience on affects discretionary spending other avenues beyond price reating price conscious differentiation. consumer New market of customers under- Demographic shift decreases 15s the usual 15-39 years old sports consumption age group. Increasing convergence of surf Increasing convergence of wear and casual clothing leads surf wear and casual clothing to opportunities for greater leads to threat of substitute differentiation among surf brands Body size shift and high Surfwear is decreasing in concerns of Body Image leads to popularity and fashionability a trend towards end-user (due to moving trend) customization and innovative shapewear. Gro wing environmental Government support, GST tax onsciousness among reprieve, stronger Australian Australians and the growth of eco dollar and better network and ethical clothing brands infrastructure give rise to more e-tailer competitors who offer lower prices and the ability to do price comparison. Innovations in green surf wear technology and creation of sustainable materials Growth of m-commerce and proliferation of smartphones leads to new retail formats A real driver for growth in the Australian luxury goods market from ordinary middle-class Australians shows an opportunity for collaboration with luxury fashion brands. Competitors Little differentiations between roducts leads to low switching cost and lower brand loyalty Little differentiations between surfer experience provided by Billabong, Quiksilver and Hurley Surfwear and other offshore e-tailers poses a strong threat as online buying becomes more popular with Australian customers. â€Å"Windows shoppers†who are on line shoppers who try products in physical shop with the intention to buy from an offshore e-tailer. To introduce customer customisation and more innovative surf wear technology into product range Collaborator Customer collaboration through â€Å"Unsourcing†allowing peer-to-peer support among user or through esign collaboration (The Economist 2012) Supplier Collaboration through collaboration with green supplier for new sustainable materials and green technology like ecosupreme suede to be incorporated into Billabong products Competitor Collaboration to tackle problems which affects the surf wear industry in general – to increase overall interest in the surfing culture or environmental isssues Company High brand awareness, low conversion rate. Convert remaining 54% of those already aware of Billabong into customers. Cut down on number of designs, Designs not catering to focus on those popular with consumers needs customers.Re-evaluate which designs are favoured by mar ket. Cut down number of suppliers in order to achieve economies of scale. Appendix C: Customer Experience Cycle The Customer Experience Cycle (CEC) explains Billabong’s current value proposition and the proposed improvements. Fig 1: Customer Experience Cycle Billabong’s existing value proposition (red dots): Search Context ? Functional Value: W hen searching for information about Billabong, customers would desire a website that provides all that they need in one place, so as to achieve their objective easily. Billabong provides a comprehensive website that fulfills this. Sense Value: Customers would like an interactive experience when searching for information as it would make things more interesting and break the monotony. ? Linking Value: Customers would appreciate having a place that connects them to other people who may provide information to them. Billabong currently has platforms such as Facebook which facilitate this. ? Entertainment Value: Since Billabong is se lls apparel, customers who search are likely to be searching leisurely, and not for urgent purposes. As such, they would enjoy having a fun website which provides information while also being engaging.Billabong uploads videos of their team of surfers, which engages the customers. ? Convenience Value: Information about Billabong is easily obtained online through its website or at any retail outlet in Australia. Purchase Context ? Functional Value: Billabong’s retail outlets and it’s e-commerce platform provide customers with the features needed to purchase their products, which achieves the desired outcome of buying new products from Billabong. ? Confidence Value: W hen purchasing Billabong products online, customers desire for it to be safe and reliable, without the risk of having their credit card details stolen.Billabong certifies its e-commerce platforms to be safe, using online security programs Mcafee Secure and Norton Secured to protect consumers. ? Convenience V alue: It is important for customers to be able to purchase Billabong’s products quickly and easily. For it to be convenient, a store selling their products should be easily accessible. Billabong owns 287 stores in Australasia (Billabong 2012), even if 50% were in Australia alone, that would be 143 stores, not including its wholesale outlet. This indicates that it should be easy for a consumer to find a store selling Billabong products near to where they are.Purchasing online makes it even more convenient to purchase Billabong products. Use Context ? Functional Value: Billabong’s products must be able to fulfill the basic purpose that the consumer bought it for. An example would be that boardshorts should be lasting and comfortable to wear, as expected of surf wear. Billabong has been known for its high quality products (Billabong 2012), which indicates that customers are satisfied with the function of their products. ? Linking Value: Billabong customers want to be asso ciated and be part of the Billabong’s community which brings surfers together.Billabong does this well through various surf events such as Billabong Pipe Masters and Australian Open of Surfing (Billabong 2012). Their Facebook page is also a platform for customers to network with each other. ? Confidence Value: Billabong customers desire to have apparel that can withstand the rough water and weather conditions; reliable surf wear that can be worn repeatedly. As mentioned, Billabong has been known for its high quality products which satisfy customers. Billabong’s proposed value proposition (blue dots) Search Context ?Relational Value: In order to increase a sense of belongingness when customers begin to search for Billabong products, they could start a customer collaboration. Unsourcing: An online forum controlled by Billabong, with contributions by customers. They could share about their experience with Billabong products and recommend what to buy (The Economist 2012). Billabong could also hold contests where customers design boardshorts, with the winning design being produced and sold in retail outlets. Customers would feel a part of the Billabong family as they contribute towards the brand. It also helps Billabong to understand what customers want.Purchase Context ? Sense Value: W hen a retail environment stimulates the five senses, it would become a memorable experience for customers. Billabong could open a Surf Village by the beach, where there are a combination of retail outlets, eateries and surf classes are held. Having retail outlets by the sea would also enhance the sight, sound and smell of the Billabong surf experience. ? Relational Value: Store assistants should be friendly and able to hold a conversation with customers. Towards high-value customers, they should be able to greet the person by name. This would cause customers to feel a sense of belonging. Self-Esteem Value: Billabong could adopt a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, whereby it tracks purchase history of individual customers. When customers login to the e-commerce platform, the system could provide personalised suggestions for each customer based on their purchase history. It would make the customer feel valued and become a personalised experience. ? Entertainment Value: Customers would enjoy a fun experience while shopping at the retail outlet. A simulated surf machine could be placed in selected outlets to entice customers to surf, leading to higher conversion rates.It would be fun and also a way to attract more people to learn surfing. ? Self-Expansion Value: In order to facilitate customer’s learning experience, Billabong could hire surfer enthusiasts to work as store assistants. Their job would be to engage customers in conversation about surfing skills and knowledge, also to pass on the passion of surfing to customers. Another idea would be to include a surfing school in Billabong’s Surf Village, where newcomers are w elcome to take lessons. Every purchase of a pair of Billabong boardshorts could entitle a customer to a discounted price for a surf esson. Hence, customers would be encouraged to participate in the surfing experience. Use Context ? Status Value: As Billabong’s target market consists of aspirational surfers as well as actual surfers, they would value clothes that speak of their â€Å"surfer status†. Billabong could aim to raise its status value through sponsorships of surf-related movies. Strong Billabong brand placement could be used in the cast’s wardrobe, accessories and filmed in it’s retail outlets. Billabong could also produce limited edition apparel, which only sells for a short season.This would increase it’s exclusivity as a brand and as a result, increase its status. ? Self-Esteem Value: Customers value experiences that emphasize their individual identity. In response to this value, Billabong could create a platform for customization of bo ardshorts and other surf apparel. It could be designed on Billabong’s website then submitted online, or at the actual retail outlet itself, where computer terminals are available for customers to design the clothes. Wearing clothes that are customized yet branded would increase the customer’s sense of identity as an individual. Disposal Context Price Value: If customers were able to obtain a cash discount when disposing of their old surf apparel, they would make the effort to do so. Billabong could launch a program where customers trade-in their old surf apparel for a discount on their next purchase. ? Self-Esteem Value: Australians pride themselves in being environmentallyfriendly, therefore, being able to recycle their surf wear would appeal to them as it emphasizes their identity. ? Convenience Value: The recycling surf wear program must be convenient for customers as well, so that it can be done quickly without much effort.Recycling bins could be made available in the shops and customers would allowed to trade in shorts at any of Australia’s many Billabong outlets. ? Self-Expansion Value: The recycling project would boost customer’s learning experience and be a new initiative for many. They would learn how to properly dispose of their surf wear through a novel programme. APPENDIX D: PEST Analysis General Industry Analysis – Billabong Forces (Australia) Implications Political / Legal ? Push for online retail ? presence Domestic brick-and-mortar retailers must adapt to multi- Australian Retailers channel retailing to stayAssociation (ARA) is pushing competitive. local retailers to adopt an online store or upgrade their ? Rise of local and foreign current online or mobile internet retailers with wide presence to facilitate range of surf brands as product, location and strong competitors. opening hour searches (Euromonitor 2012) ? Carbon Taxes ? Australia is set to introduce a Australia has obligations tax on carbon emission in under the Climate Change July 2012 which taxes Convention and the Kyoto companies as well as rail Protocol to reduce its transport and domestic carbon footprint aviation for each tonne of Euromonitor 2012) to CO2 emitted. encourage Australia to move towards a clean energy ? future. Apparel industries in Australia are unlikely to be liable however they will feel an indirect impact through various increasing costs, namely through freight and electricity costs. ? There is growing consumer scrutiny of the processes used to manufacture and source products. ? Green Sustainability ? industry is to align green The Green Party in Australia credentials with value-for- is today a significant political money fashion. force (Euromonitor 2012). ? Tariff Barriers Australian governments ontinued protection of the domestic clothing and The challenge for apparel ? Trade tariff barriers on foreign export increase the price of goods produced by Billabong’s foreign manufacturing industry throu gh the maintenance of (Hawaiian Island Surf & tariff barriers (TPJ Sport) and Californian International 1999) ? competitors – Hawaiian (Pacific SunWear). No GST Taxes on imported ? Online channels will become goods a more popular shopping Online shoppers have won a choice due to savings from reprieve from goods and taxes and stronger Australian services tax (GST) on dollar. More local retailers mported goods worth less have to catch up with an than A$1,000 (US$1,030). online presence. Economic ? Weaken Consumer’s ? Creating a price-conscious consumption – price being a Confidence Severe floods, the global more important determinant economic downturn and with consumers spending less increased unemployment on clothing by looking for rate – from 0. 1% to 5. 2% cheaper options. (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2012) have ? Rise of value clothing made weaken consumer’s available via cheap imports confidence affecting from China or online channels. discr etionary spending. ? Many Australian retailers use xtensive and prolonged sales ? Spend per capita and activity to coax customers back volume per capita declined which might not be sustainable between 2005 and 2010 in the long run. (Euromonitor 2012). ? Appreciation of the ? Australian dollar Offshore retailers are of interest to local consumers due With an increase of about to appreciation of the 31% against the US dollar Australian dollar and the (April, 2012). 1. 00AUD = relatively lower prices available 1. 05526USD (XE, 17 Sep on surf apparels abroad. 2012) Social ? Thrifty Characteristics of ? Rise in price-conscious consumption – consumers want the Australians he best possible value for their Despite the strong economy, a purchases. consumer sentiment survey conducted by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) ? This includes measures such as revealed that Australian waiting for the next inevitable shoppers were among the most worried and financially wave of industry-wide pri ce insecure in the Developed slashing, purchasing fewer items World, with many planning or seeking value offerings additional reductions in their through mass merchandisers, discretionary spending shifting down to a lower price (Euromonitor 2012). band. ? ? Consumers seek clothing suited Body Image o all body shapes and sizes. According to a survey Garments that flatter and conducted by Mission compliment a range of body Australia on 30,000 under-25 types are a crucial aspect of the participants – Body Image is trend towards end-user apparently the number one customization. concern for young Australians, ahead of the environment and family issues. ? Shift in average body size ? Sportswear have great potential Men in Australia are also for design features that cater to undergoing a body size shift. larger body sizes, with The average male weight innovations in shapewear and rose from 77. 4kg in 1989-1990 ther performance-enhancing to 83. 6kg in 2004-2005 support garments. (Eur omonitor 2012). Weight gain is not just due to ? Compression sporting garments fat, with muscle bulk deemed are likely to drive growth in desirable by many â€Å"Aussie sportswear as consumers blokes. †become better informed about their benefits for optimum muscle performance and recovery. ? Demographic shift ? Critically, there will be a squeeze As seen in fastest-growing age on the traditionally core 15-39 band over the coming decade year old sports consumption age will be the over-65s, followed band. by the under-15s (Euromonitor 012). ? Sporting Culture ? Apparel items can provide a key Sporting activities play a incentive to participating in central role in Australian physical activity and sports. This cultural life signifies a growing need for well- Australians are currently designed and correctly-fitting encouraged to adapt simple, clothing which enhance everyday changes for better performance as well as injury health as part of the â€Å"Measure prevention. Up†nationwide public awareness campaign (Euromonitor 2012) ? Extreme sports/expeditions ? Specialist apparel is facing challenge to merge consumer is currently ranked as no. 10 nterest in sport with growing in a Euromonitor demand for value fashion as International from FDS seen in the example of Stella International's â€Å"Supporting McCartney has a line of Sport†survey as one of the sportswear with Adidas. top 10 self reported sports interest (Euromonitor 2012). ? Beach Culture ? Australian male has always prided himself on being laid back With the vast majority of and casual, this impulse has Australians living within a short been replaced among many by distance from the beach, the an urge to succeed and reflected influence of the beach culture by the greater demand for suits, s significant, particularly in dress shirts and ties. However Sydney and up the east coast there must be strong emphasis of Queensland. This was on how price conscious their reflected by Australian fashion tastes tended to consumers spending of A$29 become. per capita spending on swimwear (Euromonitor 2012). ? Dressing Down ? Euromonitor (May 2012) also Inexpensive, everyday fashion has steadily become the primary revealed trends of Australians type of fashion purchased by dressing down in times of Australian shoppers. economic uncertainty. Australians are dressing down and filling their wardrobes with nexpensive, clothing, according to the AMP Capital Shopping Centres Shopping Intent Report (2012). ? Attitude to Luxury Products / Services ? There is a real driver for growth in the Australian luxury goods market coming from ordinary Research by American Express Business Insights published on fashion website middle-class Australians who are looking to splash out on something special. This shows fashioinmag. com appears to an opportunity for collaboration confirm the appeal of luxury with luxury fashion brands. products and services to a new group of luxury consumers, referred t o as the newcomers, who are not articularly rich but who are spending a lot in high-end fashion and restaurants (Euromonitor 2012). By 2010, newcomers‘ share of luxury spending represented 14% of the total luxury spending in Australia. ? Domestic Holidays ? Though there is a rising outbound tourism due to the Australia contains a wide appreciation of the Australian variety of holiday options dollar and cheap fares from low within its own borders making cost carriers, domestic holidays Domestic holidays typically are still more common involve visits to the rural and outnumbers the number of coastal areas that are in close oreign holidays taken by nearly proximity to Australia‘s major cities. ? nine to one (Euromonitor 2012). Given various choices for ? This reveals an opportunity to types of holidays, market boardsports as a tourism respondents ranked nature activity within Australia holidays, (beaches, especially in coastal areas like waterways, wilderness and Secret Har bour (Perth), Noosa wildlife) first in terms of (Sunsine Coast), Bondi Beach interest, followed by holidays (Sydney), Boomerang Beach involving relaxation, health (Pacific Palms) and many more and indulgence; (travelintelligence. com) entertainment, nightlife and hopping; arts, culture, history and heritage; and food and wine. ? Key principal motivations behind tourism includes ‘to get away from everyday life, and to do/experience something new’. Other motives also include ‘to master a skill’ and ‘to engage in challenging physical activities’ (Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism) ? Eco – Consciousness ? among Australian Eco-friendly brands are tipped to show upbeat growth consumers over the next five years, albeit from a low base. Deadly bushfires in Southeastern Australia and prolonged periods of drought across the region have brought issues of climate
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