Sunday, May 24, 2020
Timeline of Events in Ancient Babylonia
[Sumer Timeline] Late 3rd Millennium B.C. Babylon exists as a city.Shamshi-Adad I (1813 - 1781 B.C.), an Amorite, has power in northern Mesopotamia, from the Euphrates River to the Zagros Mountains. Â 1st Half of 18th Century B.C. 1792 - 1750 B.C. Collapse of Shamshi-Adads kingdom after his death. Hammurabi incorporates all of southern Mesopotamia into the kingdom of Babylon. 1749 - 1712 B.C. Hammurabis son Samsuiluna rules. The course of the Euphrates River shifts for unclear reasons at this time. 1595 Hittite king Mursilis I sacks Babylon. Sealand Dynasty kings appear to rule Babylonia after the Hittite raid. Almost noting is known of Babylonia for 150 years after the raid. Kassite Period Mid-15th Century B.C. The non-Mesopotamian Kassites take power in Babylonia and re-establish Babylonia as the power in the southern Mesopotamian area. Kassite-controlled Babylonia lasts (with a short break) for about 3 centuries. It is a time of literature and canal building. Nippur is rebuilt. Early 14th Century B.C. Kurigalzu I builds Dur-Kurigalzu (Aqar Quf), near modern Baghdad probably to defend Babylonia from northern invaders. There are 4 major world powers, Egypt, Mitanni, Hittite, and Babylonia. Babylonian is the international language of diplomacy. Mid-14th Century Assyria emerges as a major power under Ashur-uballit I (1363 - 1328 B.C.). 1220s Assyrian king Tukulti-Ninurta I (1243 - 1207 B.C.) atttacks Babylonia and takes the throne in 1224. Kassites eventually depose him, but damage has been done to the irrigation system. Mid-12th Century Elamites and Assyrians attack Babylonia. An Elamite, Kutir-Nahhunte, captures the last Kassite king, Enlil-nadin-ahi (1157 - 1155 B.C.). 1125 - 1104 B.C. Nebuchadrezzar I rules Babylonia and retakes the statue of Marduk the Elamites had taken to Susa. 1114 - 1076 B.C. Assyrians under Tiglathpileser I sack Babylon. 11th - 9th Centuries Aramaean and Chaldean tribes migrate and settle in Babylonia. Mid-9th to End of the 7th Century Assyria increasingly dominates Babylonia.Assyrian king Sennacherib (704 - 681 B.C.) destroys Babylon. Sennacheribs son Esarhaddon (680 - 669 B.C.) rebuilds Babylon. His son Shamash-shuma-ukin (667 - 648 B.C.), takes the Babylonian throne.Nabopolassar (625 - 605 B.C.) gets rid of the Assyrians and then strikes against the Assyrians in a coalition with Medes in campaigns from 615 - 609. Neo-Babylonian Empire Nabopolassar and his son Nebuchadrezzar II (604 - 562 B.C.) rule the western part of the Assyrian Empire. Nebuchadrezzar II conquers Jerusalem in 597 and destroys it in 586.Babylonians renovate Babylon to suit the capital city of an empire, including 3 square miles enclosed in city walls. When Nebuchadnezzar dies, his son, son-in-law, and grandson assume the throne in rapid succession. Assassins next give the throne to Nabonidus (555 - 539 B.C.).Cyrus II (559 - 530) of Persia takes Babylonia. Babylonia is no longer independent. Source: James A. Armstrong Mesopotamia The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. Brian M. Fagan, ed., Oxford University Press 1996. Oxford University Press.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Board Breaking in Martial Arts Essay - 1194 Words
Board breaking is often exhibited as an incredible talent performed by martial artists at demonstrations or tournaments in order to show off strength. This isn’t true, however, as breaking is an illustrated example of a perfected technique as one would use in a real situation. The accuracy, strength, and power of these techniques is demonstrated through the break. Many people are amazed by breaking, but don’t fully understand how truly easy it is. Breaking can be explained by both the physics behind the act and the mental aspects of the preparation of the break. Breaking really isn’t as hard as people make it to be. It is all determined by the precision of the technique used and the mental preparation of the person. Physical strength†¦show more content†¦Very seldom do students believe that they are physically incapable of breaking, but they are intimidated by the break or haven’t overcome other mental obstacles. After completing the first break m any students find it easier to perform their next break because now they know that it is possible for them. They learn to focus their body and concentrate. Breaking is the measure of your focused energy, referred to by martial artists as Ki (Whitfield). Ki is the life force or energy within a person, defined as â€Å"the intrinsic power of the mind or the overwhelming attitude of self-confidence and mental projection of power†by 10th degree black belt O’Sensei Jan Wellendorf (14). Everyone projects Ki at all times. Ki is projected by the way that one carries oneself (Whitfield). An illustrated example of projected Ki is if two men were standing next to each other, dressed in the same fashion and the same height, and one was holding his head up, had his arms crossed over his chest and seemed confident he might have an overbearing presence. Because of the way that he carries himself we would fear him, feeling the power of his confidence, or Ki, and we would shy away fro m him naturally. However, if the other man was slouching, his hands in his pockets and staring at the ground we might feel stronger than him, and possible respect him less because he does not carry himself strongly. This latter type are peopleShow MoreRelatedEssay on Taekwondo Informative Speech761 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Have you ever seen a martial arts demonstration, or hear of a demonstration team? Well, let me start off by telling you what a demonstration, or demo, team is and what they do. A demo team is a group of elite martial artists chosen to represent the school of martial arts to which they attend to the public during martial arts demonstrations. During these demonstrations they perform impressive feats that wow the audience such as, difficult board breaking techniques and impressive techniquesRead More bruce lee Essay examples972 Words  | 4 Pageswas perhaps the greatest Martial-Artist ever. He was born in San Francisco, California on November 27th, 1940. A few months after his birth, Bruce and his family move back to Hong Kong. Bruce starred in a number of films as a child. His first starring role was actually when he was six years old! It was a role in a film titled quot;Little Orphan Samquot;. At the age of 12, Bruce begins taking Martial-Arts instruction from the legendary Sifu Yap-Man, a master of the art of quot;Wing-Chunquot;Read MoreTaekwondo: Korean Martial Arts1739 Words  | 7 Pages(ÃÆ'Å"ê ¶Å'ë „; è ·â€ æ‹ ³Ã© “; Korean pronunciation: [tÊ °Ã‰â€ºkwÊÅ'ndo])[a] is a Korean martial art and the national sport of South Korea. In Korean, tae (ÃÆ'Å", è ·â€ ) means to strike or break with foot; kwon (ê ¶Å', æ‹ ³) means to strike or break with fist; and do (ë „, é “) means way, method, or art. Thus, taekwondo may be loosely translated as the art of the foot and fist or the art of kicking and punching. In 1989, taekwondo was the worlds most popular martial art, as measured by the number of practitioners.[1] Its popularityRead MoreI Am Creative. . . . . . . . Judith Hawley. Entr 320: Creativity,1651 Words  | 7 Pagesboth a martial arts student and instructor. In martial arts the relationship between students and instructors is extremely hierarchal. Although I have achieved instructor status, my desire to advance to the rank of Master requires a minimum of 3 more years of training. The ability to move fluidly between the roles of instructor and student is a direct result of my relationship creativity. Furthermore, the abilities required to delegate authority and effectively coordinate events, like board breakingRead MoreA Brief History of Taekwondo7094 Words  | 29 Pagesfrom the Korean word Tae meaning foot, Kwon meaning fist and Do meaning way of. So, literally Taekwondo means the way of the foot and fist. The name Taekwondo, however, has only been used since 1955 while th e arts roots began 2,300 years ago in Korea. Known as a martial art and way of life, the evolution of Taekwondo was a direct result of the happenings in Korea long ago, and knowledge of the history is an important step in understanding Taekwondo. Early Korea: Korean history began whenRead MoreThe Relationship Between Moments And Their Respective Films1520 Words  | 7 Pageshalf in length. In it, Beatrix eats dinner, and struggles to pick up rice with her chopsticks. It is important to understand the context of the moment, as it is part of a wider flashback. 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(Bertschinger, Milton, Keelan, Flewers, Bassey, 2017)But if we take our eyes away from the students then we will see plagiarism is a lot more common in newspapers, journalism and also in the field of media whether it is art, social media or even television film media. On the whole, not limited to students, plagiarism can be found in almost all the aspects of life. When it comes to newspapers and journalism then the most important aspect is that people trust the newsRead MorePhysical Fitness7979 Words  | 32 Pagesrange of modern opportunities, dozens of sports and hundreds of carefully reviewed drills and exercises, including exposure to the education with the use of pedometer, GPS, and heart rate monitors, as well as state-of-the-art exercise machines in the upper grades. Some martial arts classes, like wrestling in the United States, and Pencak Silat in France, Indonesia and Malaysia, are taught to teach children self-defense and to feel good about themselves. The physical education curriculum is designedRead MoreDiversity at Disney5774 Words  | 24 Pageslighting designers, show writers, graphic designers, and many more (Wright, 2005). Disney has a well-defined diversity and inclusion infrastructure in place and engagement exists at all levels. All of their sites include a Diversity Leadership Advisory Board, comprised of executives from various lines of business, that act as a council to raise awareness and discuss issues, trends, and recommendations, to help enable diversity and inclusion strategies. Disney also has Diversity Resource Groups, who provide
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
International Trade Law Free Essays
Law chosen to govern a transactions is clearly state the legal consequences of their contractual activities for example the right, obligation, and remedies for involve parties, and they can choose the law of particular country or international law to govern their contract. International trade law (CISG) includes the appropriate rules and customs for handling trade between states and it forms part of domestic law if the involve parties are from the contracting state of CISG. With assistance from Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) for filling gap in the coverage of issues by the CISG which is the validity of contract, effect of contract on property and goods, exclusively or non-sale aspects for distribution agreement, and inability of sell for death or personal injury cause by the goods on any person. We will write a custom essay sample on International Trade Law or any similar topic only for you Order Now The domestic law that governs the transactions in Malaysia is the Contract Act 1950 and supplement from Sale of Goods Act (SOGA) 1957 (revised 1989) which is based on the English Sales of Goods Act. As a Malaysian lawyer, I recommend you choose the Contract Act 1950 and SOGA as the governing law because the business you based is on Malaysia home soil and it creates a familiar factor to you. Besides that, Contract Act 1950 and SOGA already govern the basic contract of goods and contract of insurance but they did not cover the contract of carriage. However, because of Malaysia still practices the Hague Rules by virtue of the Carriage of Goods By Sea Act 1950 (Revised 1994), you have to choose the Hague Rules to govern your contract of carriage even though there are prominent weaknesses. For contract of carriage, there is standard term used on trading call as International Commercial Terms (INCOTERMS), and Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) and Free On Board (FOB) are the generally used term in the trade. So, I recommend you to practice FOB even through your product price will slightly lower due to bargain from buyer, but the cost will reflect on save at the transport of the products. Besides, the main benefit is you do not need to make arrangement on carriage and thus this will reduced the burden to you as a seller’s responsibilities. Policies and regulations have the very close relationship because regulations are come under the policies. The policies and regulations at Malaysia are based on an open and encourage motive, so, normally you can smoothly doing your business on export the product out of Malaysia to foreign countries. This is see through the durian is one of the fruits that identifies by the Third National Agricultural Policy (1998-2010) (NAP3) as important role in creating competitiveness of the Malaysia fruit and vegetable industry in the ASEAN. However, you need to take care about different policies and regulations of your dealing countries which are ASEAN countries and China in order to gain the benefits from all your dealing exporter countries which are actually on the free trade area as ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) and also ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA). Firstly, other than the list of preferential tariffs products that under the Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) scheme , the 40% rules of origin are also one regulation that need to comply with in able to benefit from preferential market access. So, you need to obtain a different certificate of origin from Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) to trade at both free trade areas. Besides certificate of origin, there are regulations for the quality of trading goods on AFTA and ACFTA. Start from sign of AFTA and ACFTA, the ASEAN countries and China fruits market move to more open market as can see through the fruits quality control have been replace to which is more harmonize and standardize call as Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measurers (SPS). This is to prevent countries to protect their domestic agricultural producers from imports with stringent phytosanitary measures which are non-science based, discriminatory and non-transparent. So, you now can be more efficiently and effectively on export your product to these particular countries. ? Answer 2: International agreement different to domestic contract that only contracting within the familiar home country itself, it is more complicated in contracting with various countries and sometimes may be in unfamiliar countries. So in contracting International agreement, there normally required for more trade documents that covers wider range that classified under four main groups which is Financial, Commercial, official, and Transport and insurance documents. Compared to International agreement, domestic contract normally required fewer types of documents especially only commercial and insurance type. This is because domestic contract only contracting the goods move within country territory and did not cross over he national boarder, so documents like certificated of origin in Official group of documents, bill of landing (BOL) or airway bills (AWB) in Transport group of documents are not needed. Term of payment decide on International agreement is more complicated than for domestic contract in reasons of more person involve in the payment process for International agreement. This process can explained though the general example of payment term which is letter of credit (LC) that involve bank parties assista nce by act as a middle man in the payment process. The next main difference between both is the risk face by each other. International agreement is exposed to a number of risks such as buyer’s risk, transport risk and transfer risk that may be also faced by domestic contract. However, these similar risks faced by the domestic contract will be lower in term of cost factor and some other risks such as exchange rate risk and country or sovereign risk will exclude to domestic contract that only contracting at local currency and local policies. Besides that, the transportation and delivery aspect must follow the international standard for example the standardized dimensions of shipping pallets for International agreement, but this requirement is not so strict for the domestic contract. Product packaging and labeling aspect is also not so concern by domestic contract because it normally travels across short distance. However, for International agreement that the goods travel at long distance, export packaging must be suitable for the particular mode of transport in order to provide maximum protection. There are four different types of contracting methods available which is negotiating a complete contract, choosing international law to govern the contract, agree on standard form or terms, and standard industry contracts. Negotiating a complete contract is not suitable to you because your business was just at the beginning stages of entering the new market, so there are many ‘unknown’ on the others’ domestic law that will cause unfair situation in the contracting, thus this will also incurred even more time in making the final agreement. For your situation that deals with many countries, standard industry contracts seem more suitable to you but there are still not any single association that published the standard contracts of durian even though there are already mature grow of durian industry in ASEAN. Then, Standard terms contracting method is suitable to you not only because it is a speedy and convenient way of contracting, but it also benefit to you as an fferor that has priority in the ‘last shot doctrine’ in the courts. Besides, the objective of choosing international law to govern the contract is to provide more comfortably for other parties to enter the contracts, rather than selecting particular domestic law. So, as I recommend you to choose the Malaysia law as governing law, this method is clearly not suitable because it controversy to governing law that you chosen. The object clauses can create legal and practical problems to you in term of quality and specification of the goods you export. Certificate of origin is basic requirement for export goods to other countries, and as discussed before, you needs to obtain a certificate of origin ‘Form D’ from Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) for trade on AFTA, and ‘Form E’ for trade on ACFTA in order to fulfill the CEPT scheme. In other simply meaning, you must to obtain the certificate of origin in order to enjoy the benefit of tariff in the free trade area and simply act as a ‘passport’ that show approval to entering particular market. The packing aspect of goods’ specification creates the problem on the transport of durian to other countries by the strong odour of durian leaking out from the poor packaging. So you need to practice the suitable packaging method for your export durian especially your fresh durian that exported by air shipment. Besides that, you must prepare for the future of sustainable packaging that reflect in the designed in a holistic way and be made from responsibly sourced materials that are safe and effective throughout its lifecycle, meet criteria for performance and cost, meet consumers’ choice and expectations and, finally, it has to be recovered efficiently after use. For the price clauses, you better determine the price that can change over time subject to review and modification because there are fluctuate in the currency exchange among all the different countries that will cause huge lost if there are big differences between the current currency and the currency that agree on the fixed price agreement. Payment clauses also need to be aware because the method of payment will affect your receivable ability, and letter of credit seem more suitable for you because it emphasis more on the seller side through the process that provide more insure on receiving of payment for seller side. Penalty for late payment in this clauses will not only provide extra insure to you through the charges gain for the late payment, but it also help in your financial arrangement due to the on-time payment and assurance of creditability of the buyer through the slightly higher of penalty being set. Delivery and shipment clauses will also raise problem through period time that involve in transport the perishable durian product. So, in order to maintained the product freshness especially when transport at long distance like to China, the date and also time must specify in detail referred to the time of harvest and the available of transportation to prevent any extra days or hours it incurred to transport the product. Besides that, port of shipment is also a critical element in this clause because the distance between the choosing port and the distribution centre determine the product freshness also. For example in China, you can choose the port of Guangzhou because it is considering being a centre for exporting Malaysian durian to China. As I suggest you to choose Malaysian law as the governing law, you need to state this clearly in the clause of governing law. Besides, after state of the governing law is Malaysian law, follow by the jurisdiction will state Malaysia court is the place to resolve dispute. If this never state in the contract, it will depend on court to decide which law apply. The clause of passing of title and risk is also a vital term to consider when there are accidents happen to the goods on the carrier stage or incident of unpaid seller. ? Bibliography 1. AB Teoh. 2008. Exporting and International Trade [access on 15 July 2010] 2. Essential international trade law by Michelle Sanson. 2002 by Cavendish Publishing (Australia) Pty Limited. Available www. cavendishpublish. com. [access on 15 July 2010] How to cite International Trade Law, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Critical Thinking and Essay free essay sample
This module is assessed by means of a 2,000-2,500 word essay (80%) and group presentation (20%). Essay The essay will require students to apply their knowledge and understanding of relevant theories and concepts, providing critical evaluation of relevant theories and practice. The essay is to be submitted no later than 4pm, Monday 16th December. Your essay will be marked by your seminar leader according to the marking criteria outlined on page 10 of this module guide. Essay Questions: 1. Critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of the different models of SHRM 2. Critically assess whether strategic HRM leads to ‘high performance’ 3. Critically assess why change programmes tend to fail to meet their original objectives 4. The development of strategic human resource management and the use of high involvement management practices are linked to a transformation in the management of employment relations. Discuss. 5. What are the pros and cons of a business case approach to diversity management? Extensive reading and exceptionally comprehensive knowledge. Very full and perceptive awareness of issues, with original critical and analytical assessment of the issues and excellent grasp of their wider significance. Clear evidence of independent and original thought, ability to defend a position logically and convincingly with arguments presented that are sophisticated and highly challenging. Excellent arrangement development of material and argument. Excellent English and meticulous presentation, with immaculate referencing and extensive bibliography. 6.COURSEWORK This module is assessed by means of a 2,000-2,500 word essay (80%) and group presentation (20%). Essay The essay will require students to apply their knowledge and understanding of relevant theories and concepts, providing critical evaluation of relevant theories and practice. The essay is to be submitted no later than 4pm, Monday 16th December. Your essay will be marked by your seminar leader according to the marking criteria outlined on page 10 of this module guide. Essay Questions: 1. Critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of the different models of SHRM 2. Critically assess whether strategic HRM leads to ‘high performance’ 3. Critically assess why change programmes tend to fail to meet their original objectives 4. The development of strategic human resource management and the use of high involvement management practices are linked to a transformation in the management of employment relations. Discuss. 5. What are the pros and cons of a business case approach to diversity management? Extensive reading and exceptionally comprehensive knowledge. Very full and perceptive awareness of issues, with original critical and analytical assessment of the issues and excellent grasp of their wider significance. Clear evidence of independent and original thought, ability to defend a position logically and convincingly with arguments presented that are sophisticated and highly challenging. Excellent arrangement development of material and argument. Excellent English and meticulous presentation, with immaculate referencing and extensive bibliography. 6.COURSEWORK This module is assessed by means of a 2,000-2,500 word essay (80%) and group presentation (20%). Essay The essay will require students to apply their knowledge and understanding of relevant theories and concepts, providing critical evaluation of relevant theories and practice. The essay is to be submitted no later than 4pm, Monday 16th December. Your essay will be marked by your seminar leader according to the marking criteria outlined on page 10 of this module guide. Essay Questions: 1. Critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of the different models of SHRM 2. Critically assess whether strategic HRM leads to ‘high performance’ 3. Critically assess why change programmes tend to fail to meet their original objectives 4. The development of strategic human resource management and the use of high involvement management practices are linked to a transformation in the management of employment relations. Discuss. 5. What are the pros and cons of a business case approach to diversity management? Extensive reading and exceptionally comprehensive knowledge. Very full and perceptive awareness of issues, with original critical and analytical assessment of the issues and excellent grasp of their wider significance. Clear evidence of independent and original thought, ability to defend a position logically and convincingly with arguments presented that are sophisticated and highly challenging. Excellent arrangement development of material and argument. Excellent English and meticulous presentation, with immaculate referencing and extensive bibliography. 6.COURSEWORK This module is assessed by means of a 2,000-2,500 word essay (80%) and group presentation (20%). Essay The essay will require students to apply their knowledge and understanding of relevant theories and concepts, providing critical evaluation of relevant theories and practice. The essay is to be submitted no later than 4pm, Monday 16th December. Your essay will be marked by your seminar leader according to the marking criteria outlined on page 10 of this module guide. Essay Questions: 1. Critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of the different models of SHRM 2. Critically assess whether strategic HRM leads to ‘high performance’ 3. Critically assess why change programmes tend to fail to meet their original objectives 4. The development of strategic human resource management and the use of high involvement management practices are linked to a transformation in the management of employment relations. Discuss. 5. What are the pros and cons of a business case approach to diversity management? Extensive reading and exceptionally comprehensive knowledge. Very full and perceptive awareness of issues, with original critical and analytical assessment of the issues and excellent grasp of their wider significance. Clear evidence of independent and original thought, ability to defend a position logically and convincingly with arguments presented that are sophisticated and highly challenging. Excellent arrangement development of material and argument. Excellent English and meticulous presentation, with immaculate referencing and extensive bibliography. 6.COURSEWORK This module is assessed by means of a 2,000-2,500 word essay (80%) and group presentation (20%). Essay The essay will require students to apply their knowledge and understanding of relevant theories and concepts, providing critical evaluation of relevant theories and practice. The essay is to be submitted no later than 4pm, Monday 16th December. Your essay will be marked by your seminar leader according to the marking criteria outlined on page 10 of this module guide. Essay Questions: 1. Critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of the different models of SHRM 2. Critically assess whether strategic HRM leads to ‘high performance’ 3. Critically assess why change programmes tend to fail to meet their original objectives 4. The development of strategic human resource management and the use of high involvement management practices are linked to a transformation in the management of employment relations. Discuss. 5. What are the pros and cons of a business case approach to diversity management? Extensive reading and exceptionally comprehensive knowledge. Very full and perceptive awareness of issues, with original critical and analytical assessment of the issues and excellent grasp of their wider significance. Clear evidence of independent and original thought, ability to defend a position logically and convincingly with arguments presented that are sophisticated and highly challenging. Excellent arrangement development of material and argument. Excellent English and meticulous presentation, with immaculate referencing and extensive bibliography. 6.COURSEWORK This module is assessed by means of a 2,000-2,500 word essay (80%) and group presentation (20%). Essay The essay will require students to apply their knowledge and understanding of relevant theories and concepts, providing critical evaluation of relevant theories and practice. The essay is to be submitted no later than 4pm, Monday 16th December. Your essay will be marked by your seminar leader according to the marking criteria outlined on page 10 of this module guide. Essay Questions: 1. Critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of the different models of SHRM 2. Critically assess whether strategic HRM leads to ‘high performance’ 3. Critically assess why change programmes tend to fail to meet their original objectives 4. The development of strategic human resource management and the use of high involvement management practices are linked to a transformation in the management of employment relations. Discuss. 5. What are the pros and cons of a business case approach to diversity management? Extensive reading and exceptionally comprehensive knowledge. Very full and perceptive awareness of issues, with original critical and analytical assessment of the issues and excellent grasp of their wider significance. Clear evidence of independent and original thought, ability to defend a position logically and convincingly with arguments presented that are sophisticated and highly challenging. Excellent arrangement development of material and argument. Excellent English and meticulous presentation, with immaculate referencing and extensive bibliography. 6.COURSEWORK This module is assessed by means of a 2,000-2,500 word essay (80%) and group presentation (20%). Essay The essay will require students to apply their knowledge and understanding of relevant theories and concepts, providing critical evaluation of relevant theories and practice. The essay is to be submitted no later than 4pm, Monday 16th December. Your essay will be marked by your seminar leader according to the marking criteria outlined on page 10 of this module guide. Essay Questions: 1. Critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of the different models of SHRM 2. Critically assess whether strategic HRM leads to ‘high performance’ 3. Critically assess why change programmes tend to fail to meet their original objectives 4. The development of strategic human resource management and the use of high involvement management practices are linked to a transformation in the management of employment relations. Discuss. 5. What are the pros and cons of a business case approach to diversity management? Extensive reading and exceptionally comprehensive knowledge. Very full and perceptive awareness of issues, with original critical and analytical assessment of the issues and excellent grasp of their wider significance. Clear evidence of independent and original thought, ability to defend a position logically and convincingly with arguments presented that are sophisticated and highly challenging. Excellent arrangement development of material and argument. Excellent English and meticulous presentation, with immaculate referencing and extensive bibliography. 6.COURSEWORK This module is assessed by means of a 2,000-2,500 word essay (80%) and group presentation (20%). Essay The essay will require students to apply their knowledge and understanding of relevant theories and concepts, providing critical evaluation of relevant theories and practice. The essay is to be submitted no later than 4pm, Monday 16th December. Your essay will be marked by your seminar leader according to the marking criteria outlined on page 10 of this module guide. Essay Questions: 1. Critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of the different models of SHRM 2. Critically assess whether strategic HRM leads to ‘high performance’ 3. Critically assess why change programmes tend to fail to meet their original objectives 4. The development of strategic human resource management and the use of high involvement management practices are linked to a transformation in the management of employment relations. Discuss. 5. What are the pros and cons of a business case approach to diversity management? Extensive reading and exceptionally comprehensive knowledge. Very full and perceptive awareness of issues, with original critical and analytical assessment of the issues and excellent grasp of their wider significance. Clear evidence of independent and original thought, ability to defend a position logically and convincingly with arguments presented that are sophisticated and highly challenging. Excellent arrangement development of material and argument. Excellent English and meticulous presentation, with immaculate referencing and extensive bibliography. 6.COURSEWORK This module is assessed by means of a 2,000-2,500 word essay (80%) and group presentation (20%). Essay The essay will require students to apply their knowledge and understanding of relevant theories and concepts, providing critical evaluation of relevant theories and practice. The essay is to be submitted no later than 4pm, Monday 16th December. Your essay will be marked by your seminar leader according to the marking criteria outlined on page 10 of this module guide. Essay Questions: 1. Critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of the different models of SHRM 2. Critically assess whether strategic HRM leads to ‘high performance’ 3. Critically assess why change programmes tend to fail to meet their original objectives 4. The development of strategic human resource management and the use of high involvement management practices are linked to a transformation in the management of employment relations. Discuss. 5. What are the pros and cons of a business case approach to diversity management? Extensive reading and exceptionally comprehensive knowledge. Very full and perceptive awareness of issues, with original critical and analytical assessment of the issues and excellent grasp of their wider significance. Clear evidence of independent and original thought, ability to defend a position logically and convincingly with arguments presented that are sophisticated and highly challenging. Excellent arrangement development of material and argument. Excellent English and meticulous presentation, with immaculate referencing and extensive bibliography. 6.COURSEWORK This module is assessed by means of a 2,000-2,500 word essay (80%) and group presentation (20%). Essay The essay will require students to apply their knowledge and understanding of relevant theories and concepts, providing critical evaluation of relevant theories and practice. The essay is to be submitted no later than 4pm, Monday 16th December. Your essay will be marked by your seminar leader according to the marking criteria outlined on page 10 of this module guide. Essay Questions: 1. Critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of the different models of SHRM 2. Critically assess whether strategic HRM leads to ‘high performance’ 3. Critically assess why change programmes tend to fail to meet their original objectives 4. The development of strategic human resource management and the use of high involvement management practices are linked to a transformation in the management of employment relations. Discuss. 5. What are the pros and cons of a business case approach to diversity management? Extensive reading and exceptionally comprehensive knowledge. Very full and perceptive awareness of issues, with original critical and analytical assessment of the issues and excellent grasp of their wider significance. Clear evidence of independent and original thought, ability to defend a position logically and convincingly with arguments presented that are sophisticated and highly challenging. Excellent arrangement development of material and argument. Excellent English and meticulous presentation, with immaculate referencing and extensive bibliography. 6.COURSEWORK This module is assessed by means of a 2,000-2,500 word essay (80%) and group presentation (20%). Essay The essay will require students to apply their knowledge and understanding of relevant theories and concepts, providing critical evaluation of relevant theories and practice. The essay is to be submitted no later than 4pm, Monday 16th December. Your essay will be marked by your seminar leader according to the marking criteria outlined on page 10 of this module guide.
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